
2018年06月16日 7PLUS英语

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以下是近期高频考题Alphabetical script的分析,并附上高分参考答案。



Their trade networks made the Phoenicians rich but also enabled cultural exchange and transfer between East and West in an unprecedented way: the most significant was the spread of the alphabetic script which was adopted all over the Mediterranean.


The Phoenician alphabet is a writing system consisting of only 22 signs representing exactlyone sound (phoneme) each. The term "alphabet" derives from the names of the first two signs in the sequence, aleph ("cattle") and beit("house"): these names also reflect the letters' shapes, each derived from the picture of an object whose name starts with the relevant sound.


The alphabetic script is simple enough to learn quickly, without the years of dedicated training required to master writing systems such as cuneiform or Egyptian hieroglyphs. Specialised schooling was unnecessary, and literacy was therefore disengaged from the institutional context of palaces and temples where the traditional scripts continued to be used. The alphabet suited the needs oflong-distance merchants who needed to be able to record their business affairson the go and who, for reasons of confidentiality and money, often preferred to write themselves rather than employ a specialist scribe. As the script couldeasily be used to record any language, it was, in the course of the first millennium BC, adapted for Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Phrygian, Lydian, Etruscanand Latin, to name but a few.



Their trade networks made the Phoenicians rich but also enabled cultural exchange and transfer between East and West in an unprecedented way: the most significant was the spread of the alphabetic script which was adopted all over the Mediterranean.






圈划:Phoenicianssignificantwas the spread of the alphabetic script which was adopted all over theMediterranean

The Phoenician alphabet is a writing system consisting of only 22 signs representing exactlyone sound (phoneme) each. The term "alphabet" derives from the names of the first two signs in the sequence, aleph ("cattle") and beit("house"): these names also reflect the letters' shapes, each derived from the picture of an object whose name starts with the relevant sound.



圈划:consistingof only 22 signs representing exactly one sound (phoneme) each


The alphabetic script is simple enough to learn quickly, without the years of dedicated training required to master writing systems such as cuneiform or Egyptian hieroglyphs. Specialised schooling was unnecessary, and literacy was therefore disengaged from the institutional context of palaces and temples where the traditional scripts continued to be used. The alphabet suited the needs oflong-distance merchants who needed to be able to record their business affairson the go and who, for reasons of confidentiality and money, often preferred to write themselves rather than employ a specialist scribe. As the script couldeasily be used to record any language, it was, in the course of the first millennium BC, adapted for Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Phrygian, Lydian, Etruscanand Latin, to name but a few.




圈划:Thealphabetic script is simple to learn quickly, with no need of long timetraining and special school, and especially suited for long-distance merchantsfor confidentiality and money, which allows it to be adapted for lots oflanguage in the first millennium BC.


Phoenicians was significant for the alphabetic script consisting of only 22 signs representing one sound each which was adopted all over the Mediterranean, as 

The alphabetic script is simple to learn quickly, with no need of long time training and special school, and especially suited for long-distance merchants for confidentiality and money, which allows it to be adapted for lots of language in the first millennium BC.






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