Religionand Public Schools
时间: 7月5日周四 14:30-16:00
Time:2:30-4pm,Jul 5 , 2018
地点: 广州天河区美国驻广州总领事馆美国中心
Venue:American Center at the U.S. Consulate General, Guangzhou
The Founding Fathers championed the separationof church and state so that one institution could not promote or suppress theother. In recent years, there has been more debate that the current divideinfringes on the religious freedom of public school teachers. Supporters wantto have less restriction on praying with students, spiritual topics inclassroom study, and the choice to teach creationism. Interested in hearingmore about the complex relationship between religion and public schools? Wonderwhy the US is so religious? Come out on July 5th for a discussion on thecurrent conversation surrounding the proper religious roles for teachers!
简介:开国元勋们拥护政教分离,这样二者就不能互相包庇或压制。近年来,越来越多的争论表示,目前的这种对立状况侵犯了公立学校教师的宗教自由。支持者希望在对学生的祷告,课堂学习中带有宗教主题,以及选择教导神造论的自由等方面能减少限制。你有兴趣了解更多关于宗教与公立学校之间的复杂关系吗?想知道为什么美国对宗教如此的虔诚吗? 7月5日和我们一起来讨论当下什么是适合教师的宗教角色吧!
Note: This event is conducted in English andfree of charge. You will be asked to show your ID card or passport foradmission. Children must be accompanied by an adult. No cameras will be allowedand there is no place to check them, so please don't bring any cameras withyou. Thank you for your cooperation
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