
2018年06月26日 7PLUS英语

每天推送有关雅思/PTE的资讯、学习及考试技巧、最新题目动态,即时更新题目等。试听热线:03 9670 7996)


1. Before submitting your dissertation, your advisor must approve your application.

2. The railways made long distance travel possible for everyone.

3. Those seeking formal extension should contact their facilities for more information.


Agree or disagree about the medical treatments are needed for the life expectancy.


Metal and gold

The first banks were probably the religious temples of the ancient world, and were probably established sometime during the third millennium B.C. Banks probably predated the invention of money. Deposits initially consisted of grain and later other goods including cattle, agricultural implements, and eventually precious metals such as gold, in the form of easy-to-carry compressed plates. Temples and palaces were the safest places to store gold as they were constantly attended and well built. As sacred places, temples presented an extra deterrent to would-be thieves.


Flags graphs photo of Nelson Mandela 



Laughing has many benefits, especially in combating adversity. Laugh is not only a sense of humor but also can be used as a great therapy. In the Second World War, the war jokes about the Berlin Wall were prevailing in Western countries and helped people to go through the tough time. Different countries have different senses of humor, such as Russia, Egypt and Iran. Laugh can protect self-respect and identity.


The comparatively easy access to weaponsof mass destruction is of key concern as force is preferred in a way that canbe characterized as “unconventional” or also as “small wars” by making use ofterritories because there is no functioning state to assume charge, which doesnot provide for any warning time and challenges not only the external securityof the nation states and international community, but also their internalsafety.



Due to the growth ininternational migration, the revolution in transport and communications technology, a reaction against globally homogenized culture and the end of coldwar, which are all connected with globalization, communities which live outside but maintain links with their homelands are increasingly big and strong; therefore, policy changes are made by national governments, the communities will continue to grow, and the migration flows may widen and quicken in the future.


Hadron Collider 

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest particle accelerator lies in a tunnel. The LHC is a ring roughly 28km around that accelerates protons almost to the speed of light before colliding them head-on. Protons are particles found in the atomic nucleus, roughly one thousand-million-millionth of a meter in size. The LHC starts with a bottle of hydrogen gas, which is sent through an electric field to strip away the electrons, leaving just the protons. Electric and magnetic fields are the key to a particle accelerator.


Language and linguistic wildlife in Argentina

In the lecture, the speaker talks about welsh speaker.

At the beginning of the lecture, the speaker says at the beginning of the 20th century about half of the population of wales spoke welsh as everyday language.

Also, the speaker mentions at the end the century, the percentage of welsh speakers has reduced to about 20%.

According to the speaker, the study showed many people can understand welsh but not able to speak or read it.

Lastly, the speaker indicates that the number of welsh speaker numbers is decrease.


1. Automobile and bicycle production 

2. Fundamental need and hierarchy of need

3. 有一个柱状图 柱子横着 2006年男人女人去Britain的原因


1. Only updating the digital material inlibrary, advantage and disadvantage?

2. Whether a healthy diet or exercise cankeep fit?


1. Genius

2. Sportswomen's records are importantand need to be preserved. And if the paper records don't exist, we need to get outand start interviewing people, not to put too fine a point on it, while we still have a chance.After all, if the records aren't kept in some form or another, then the storiesare lost too.


University of canberra fathers theory

· A University of Canberra student has launched the nation’s first father-led literacy project, to encourage fathers to become more involved in their children’s literacy.

· Julia Bocking’s Literacy and Dads (LADS) project aims to increase the number of fathers participating as literacy helpers in K-2 school reading programs at Queanbeyan Primary Schools.

· “There’s no program like this in Australia,” Ms Bocking said, who devised the project as the final component of her community education degree at the University.

· Having worked as a literacy tutor with teenagers, Ms Bocking saw the need for good attitudes towards reading to be formed early on – with the help of more male role models.


PEV vehicles

To solve the concerns over peak oil and its environmental consequences, it’s recommended to adopt plug-in vehicles as our daily transportation method simply through the way of plugging in to charge our cars with our contracted electricity company; moreover, an efficient engine will be automatically cut in once the battery of the car runs out of electricity accidentally.


Tainos, having access to gold, had peaceful and friendly relationship with the Spanish before the Spanish finally mistreated them, forced them to work as virtual slaves and accidentally infected them with deadly Eurosian diseases, which led to the consequence that the population dwindled significantly, forcing the Spaniards to look elsewhere for slave labors.


1. Genetic structures, physical and psychological from material 

2. Two types of memory 

The lecture illustrated the two major categories of memories which include explicit and implicit memory. The implicit memory is an experimental or functional form of memory which cannot be consciously recalled since people can use language naturally, whereas the explicit memory is relevant to a great deal of highly personal memories such as remembering the birthday and answering multiple questions on the test.


Scientists are asking government for more money. 

Students were instructed to submit their assignment before Friday. 

Mutually something....... 

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