【大学申请】吐血推荐 美国top50 ACT成绩平均分

2015年07月30日 美国ACT考试

Harvard University (MA)32
Princeton University (NJ)32
Yale University (CT)33
University of Pennsylvania (PA)33
MIT (MA)32
Stanford University (CA)34
California Institute of Technology (CA)32
Columbia University (NYC)--ED32
University of Chicago (IL)--EA32
Duke University(NC)32
Dartmouth College (NH)--ED32
Northwestern University (IL)--ED32
Washington University in St.Louis (MO)32
Johns Hopkins University (MA)--ED32
Cornell University (NY)--ED32
Brown University (RI)--ED31
Emory University (GA)31
Rice University (TX)--ED31
Vanderbilt University (TN)--ED31
University of Notre Dame (IN)31
UC-Berkeley (CA)30
Carnegie Mellon University (PA)31
Georgetown University (DC) EA31
UC-Los Angeles (CA)30
University of Virginia (VA)30
University of Southern California (CA)29
University of MI-Ann Arbor (MI)30
Tufts Univeristy (MA)31
Wake Forest University (NC)29
U.of NC-Chapel Hill (NC)29
Brandeis University (MA)31
College of William and Mary (VA)--ED30
Boston College (MA)29
Georgia Insitute of Technology (GA)30
Lehigh University (PA)30
UC-San Diego (CA)29
University of Rochester (NY)31
U of WI-Madison (WI)29
Case Western Reserve University (OH)30
Rensselare of Polytechnic Institute (NY)31
UC-Davis (CA)28
UC-Santa Barbara (CA)28
University of Washington (WA)29
Penn State Univeristy (PA)28
U of Florida (FL)28
UT-Austin (TX)29

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