安邦保险投资纽约地产再出手 $4亿收购黑石写字楼 继天价收购华尔道夫酒店后的第二笔大额交易

2015年06月29日 美国地产投资高峰论坛


From left: 717 Fifth Avenue and Anbang’s Chairman Wu Xiaohui


Anbang Insurance Group, the Chinese insurer that bought the Waldorf Astoria last year, has closed on its second major acquisition in New York City, paying $415 million for the office portion of 717 Fifth Avenue.

这栋26层大楼位于曼哈顿中城黄金地段、56街与第五大道交界处,办公区域占地面积超过3万平米。该楼于2013年10月上市。安邦今年初与黑石集团签署合约,购买大楼除底商之外的办公区域。大楼近千平米的底商价值不菲,由地产商Jeff Sutton和SL Green Realty共同拥有。珠宝企业Harry Winston目前正租赁大楼九层办公室,去年续约时的租金约为每平米$860美元。

Anbang inked a contract with the Blackstone Group earlier this year to buy the office portion of the property, which is located at the corner of 56th Street. The tower has about 350,000 square feet of office space and had been on the market since October 2013. CBRE represented Blackstone in the deal, while Eastdil Secured represented Anbang. A partnership between Jeff Sutton and SL Green Realty owns the building’s highly valuable 100,000-square-foot retail space. Jeweler Harry Winston occupies the ninth floor of the building, space which it renewed its lease for last year at $86 per square foot.


In February, Anbang made its first major acquisition in New York City when it paid nearly $2 billion for the iconic Waldorf Astoria. The insurance company plans to convert the top floors to condos, as The Real Deal reported.


Anbang, which has $114 billion in assets according to its website, is planning an initial public offering that could raise $2 billion.

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