国会山(Capitol Hill)是一个西雅图里一个人口密集的居住区。它是这座城市最著名的夜生活和娱乐地区,也是和中心城市的同性恋和反主流文化社区。
关于国会山的由来有两个说法:第一个说法是这样的,有一个叫詹姆斯·A·摩尔(JamesA. Moore)的房地产开发商购买了这里的大部分土地,并以国会山为名,希望华盛顿政府从奥林匹克(Olympia)搬到西雅图来。
国会山包括了西雅图最富有的几个社区,其中还包括了著名的“百万富翁社区”(Millionaire's Row),这里有很多优质的公寓,甚至包括二次大战时幸存的古典复兴混合风格的公寓,如黑石公寓。
Capitol Hill (Seattle)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Capitol Hill is a densely populated residential district in Seattle, Washington, United States. It is one of the city's most prominent nightlife and entertainment districts, and the center of the city's gay and counterculture communities.
Prior to 1901, CapitolHill was known as 'Broadway Hill' after the neighborhood's main thoroughfare.The origin of the neighborhood's current name is disputed. According to onestory, James A. Moore, the real estate developerwho platted muchof the area, named it thus in the hope that theWashington government wouldmove to Seattle from Olympia. According to another, Moorenamed it after the Capitol Hill neighborhoodof Denver,Colorado, his wife's hometown. It is thought by theeditors of HistoryLink thatthe true story is a combination of the two.
Due to its one-timelarge RomanCatholic population,Capitol Hill was frequently referred to as Catholic Hill up until the 1980s.[1]
Capitol Hill containssome of Seattle's wealthiest neighborhoods, including "Millionaire'sRow" along 14th Avenue E. south of Volunteer Park (family residences ontree-lined streets) and the Harvard-Belmont LandmarkDistrict. It also has many distinguished apartmenthouses, including several by Fred Anhalt, as well as a fewsurviving Classical Revival complexessuch as the Blackstone Apartments.However, the neighborhood's architecture did not fare so well in the decadesimmediately after World War II. Architect Victor Steinbrueck wrotein 1962 of the "tremendous growth of less-than-luxury apartments"that at first "appear to be consistent with the clean, direct approachassociated with contemporary architecture" but whose "open outdoorcorridors" totally defeat their "large 'view' windows" by givingoccupants no privacy if they leave their blinds open to enjoy the view."Most tenants close their blinds and look for another apartment when theirlease runs out."[2]
Since 1997, Capitol Hillhas hosted the Capitol Hill Block Party annuallyin late July.
Median householdincome ($) : $70,652
Seattle, WA (income)
Population: 1,281
Households: 843
Households by typeFamilyNon-Family265 (31.4%) Family households
Population by raceWhiteBlackAsianHispanicMultirace
Median household income: $70,652
Median house or condo value: $1,000,000
Median contract rent: $1,136
Unemployment: 6.3%
Residents below the poverty level: 5.9%
Median resident age: 32.6
Population by sexFemaleMale632 (49.3%) Male population
Read more: http://www.city-data.com/zips/98102.html#ixzz3G6k2gpjl
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