
2015年08月03日 西南美国商会




演讲嘉宾Michael Daly先生是贝立兹中国区特聘高级顾问,具有超过35年的国际跨文化管理经验。他曾在世界各地派驻及工作,进行过大量国际项目的开发与实施,拥有丰富的国际迁移、项目实施和管理培训的经验。

作为贝立兹中国区的领导力培训业务高级顾问, Michael Daly先生先后为政府、跨国公司高层、公司技术人员及公司各级别员工成功地进行商务陈述和演讲。他幽默有趣的演讲风格及生动客观的案例分析受到众多企业培训者的追捧与喜爱。

类型 英文演讲

时间 20150813日(星期四) 下午130 500

地点 :环球中心天堂洲际大饭店二楼 环球宴会1+2厅(高新区天府大道北段1700号[地铁1号线,锦城广场站旁])

价格 免费参加(席位有限,请回复邮件尽早报名)

报名邮件 [email protected]

报名电话(028) 8526-8761

Persuasion and Influence – being successful in your global world
In this increasingly globalized world, how to carry out cross-cultural communication successfully has become one of the greatest challenges many companies face. To help our members better deal with this challenge, AmCham, together with Berlitz and InterContinental Chengdu Global Center, have organized this seminar on Global Leadership: Persuasion and Influence – being successful in your global world on August 13th,2015.
This seminar is a highly interactive workshop that targets the challenges posed by working inside rapidly globalizing organizations. It is designed for managers and collaborative contributors who work together on globalized teams both locally and matrixed in a virtual environment.

Keynote Speaker

Mr. Michael Daly has rich cross-cultural management experience, having worked on international projects in a number of countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. He has a wealth of international migration, project implementation and management training experience.
Michael has also been integrally involved in international business negotiations, including multi-million dollar consulting projects bidding, union contract negotiations, as well as hardware and services procurement. While at Berlitz, Michael has worked with government and multinational company executives, and staff at all levels teaching management skills.
Date 13:30-17:00, Thursday, August 13th, 2015
Place InterContinental Chengdu Global Center, Ballroom 1+2, 2F(1700 Tianfu Avenue North [Metro Line 1, Jincheng Plaza station])
Price Free of Charge
Limited space, Please R.S.V.P. to:
Email [email protected]
Tel (028) 8526-8761

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