Rendering of Midtown Manhattan skyline in 2030 (credit: VisualHouse)
随着一批全新的摩天大楼在曼哈顿拔地而起,以及计划中的更多豪华公寓楼即将破土动工,举世闻名的纽约天际线正悄然发生巨变。 一幅新的效果图向我们展示了短短15年后曼哈顿天际线令人瞠目的变化。
With the influx of planned supertall skyscrapers promising to soon change the very shape of New York City’s skyline, a new rendering depicts just what that altered cityscape will look like in a matter of 15 years.
由Extell地产开发公司开发的Nordstrom Tower豪华住宅楼位于西57街217号,或将问鼎纽约市最高楼;由SL Green开发的One Vanderbilt写字楼将紧邻地标性建筑中央车站,誓将开启曼哈顿中城东区的新纪元;备受瞩目的还有JDS开发集团及Property Markets集团开发的豪宅项目西57街111号,及开发商Hines旗下的西53街53号。
Projects depicted include Extell Development’s Nordstrom Tower, SL Green Realty’s One Vanderbilt, JDS Development Group and Property Markets Group’s 111 West 57th Street and Hines’ 53 West 53rd Street, according to Curbed.
位于中央公园南36号的1 Park Lane效果图(来源:Witkoff)
开发商Witkoff酝酿中的1 Park Lane近日公布设计细节。该工程将改建位于中央公园南36号的赫尔姆斯利柏宁酒店,高达近370米,共88套公寓,每户都配有大型落地窗、4.7米层高和观景阳台。楼内配套设施包括泳池、图书馆、美容理疗中心和私家餐馆。
Developer Witkoff published the details of 1 Park Lane, which is in the planning. This construction is 370m tall, houses 88 apartments (ceiling heights of 4.7m, huge French windows plus balconies with a view) and will be constructed in 36 Helmsley Park Lane, Southern Central Park. The facilities in this building include swimming pool, library, spa and private restaurant.
In 2013, Witkoff and a Hong Kong Investor, Jinwei spent $660 million to acquire the hotel. The estimated cost of development is about $1.7 billion. The price per sqm. ranges from 63k to 117k USD. In 2020, once the construction is complete, the estimated income will reach $2.3 billion. What’s more, it will be the fourth highest building in New York and the ninth in America.
Skyscrapers are getting taller and taller, which makes Manhattan short of not only land but space in general.
位于中央公园南36号的1 Park Lane效果图(来源:Witkoff)