有谁在问考了ACT还要不要考SAT SUB的啊
如果有同学有关于大学申请的问题 尽快问我哟
The ACT Plus Writing Test satisfies Yale’s standardized test requirement, and no additional SAT is necessary. Bear in mind, however, that some Yale departments may use the SAT and/or SAT Subject Tests for course placement.
All applicants must take the SAT or the ACT with the writing component, as well as two Subject Tests. You should not submit two Subject Tests in mathematics to meet this requirement. If your first language is not English you should ordinarily not use a Subject Test in your first language to meet the two Subject Tests requirement. All students are encouraged to submit additional Subject Tests (which may include one in your first language), Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate test results, or any other evidence of the breadth and depth of your academic accomplishments.
Harvard University (MA)
Princeton University (NJ)
California Institute of Technology (CA)
Dartmouth College (NH)--ED
Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
Georgetown University (DC) EA
不过考了ACT+作文 还要求你考试SAT SUB的学校很少 而且这个是可以argue的 比如 Caltech 可以argue
还有下班前告诉各位童鞋 又准备申请fall 2015 freshman的注意了
georgetown u application system is available now, maybe the first one opening so early
【最大的act考试交流群】: 362066974(act群!战友的重要性,你懂得),加群时请注明备考的。