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Resourse: Petro Global News
The Obama administration has secured enough Senate votes to ensure theapproval of the Iranian nuclear deal reached earlier this year.
According to Reuters, 32 Democrats and two independent have agreed toapprove the deal, providing enough votes to support a presidential veto if theRepublican-controlled Congress successfully passes a disapproval resolution.
Supporters of the deal are now hoping to secure the 41 votes it wouldtake to block a disapproval resolution outright.
“No deal is perfect, especially one negotiated withthe Iranian regime. I have concluded that this Joint Comprehensive Plan ofAction is the best option available to block Iran from having a nuclear bomb,”Maryland Democratic Senator Barbara Mikulski told Reuters.
Republicans have vowed to continue fighting the deal and said they wouldfind other avenues to turn up the political heat on Iran even if the currentdeal is approved.
Some Republican state officials, including Oklahoma Attorney GeneralScott Pruitt, have suggested that each state implement their own sanctionsagainst Iran, Reuters said.
Iran agreed on July 14 to curb its nuclear development program inexchange for the lifting of some U.S. and EU sanctions.
Under the deal, Iran will be forced to remove two-thirds of itsinstalled centrifuges and store them under international supervision, disposeof 98 percent of its enriched uranium and permanently grant the InternationalAtomic Energy Agency any kind of access it needs to monitor nucleardevelopment.
The conditions will also prohibit Iran from producing enough nuclearmaterial to make a weapon for 10 years.
The agreement will not immediately lift oil sanctions despite previousthreats from Iranian officials that the country would refuse a deal withoutimmediate sanction relief.
Western sanctions have limited Iran’s crude exports to 1 millionbarrels per day since 2012 from a high of 2.5 million.
The country currently produces about 3.5 million barrels of crude perday, according to OPEC.
No official timeline for lifting the oil sanctions has been releasedyet.
President Obama has said he will veto any legislation that aims toblock the deal.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration has said that liftingIranian oil sanctions could drag crude prices down by as much as $15 per barrelin 2016.
The International Energy Agency said in August that Iran could add asmany as 730,000 barrels per day of production in less than a year once oilexport sanctions against the country are lifted.