“The best place to invest right now is Brisbane, offering the perfect combination of affordable buy in prices, attractive yields and imminent capital growth.” “现在投资的最佳地点是布里斯班,结合了高性价比可负担的房价,富有吸引力的租金收益率及近在眼前的增值收益等各项完美优势。” —JOHN MCGRATH, CEO, McGRATH REAL ESTATE 08 April 2014 |
“Brisbane looks set to top the list for rising house prices across Australia in 2014.” Forecast rise 6% “布里斯班将在2014 年占领澳洲各大房价涨势榜单的榜首位置。” 预计增长6% —National Australia Bank March Quarter 2014 |
“Brisbane is tipped to bang. Investors will be more interested in Brisbane real estate because of its potential for high yields and prospects of capital growth.” “布里斯班即将爆发。由于其高租金收益的潜力和长期看好的增值前景,投资者们将对布里斯班房产更感兴趣。” —YOLANDA REDRUP, SMART COMPANY 30 January 2014 |
“Value growth to continue in 2014… Transitioning away from Sydney and Melbourne towards Brisbane an Adelaide.” “2014 年澳洲房价将持续上长… 其趋势将从悉尼、墨尔本过渡到布里斯班和阿德莱德。” —CAMERON KUSHER, RESEARCH ANALYST, RP DATA 04 January 2014 |
“The big city improver in Australia will be Brisbane…which is only just starting to gather momentum.” “澳大利亚最大的城市改善者将发生在布里斯班…它正蓄势待发。” —TERRY RYDER, WWW.HOTSPOTTING.COM.AU December 2013 |
Summer Xun
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