苏富比国际地产公司的Nikki Field女士的中国之行日程相当紧凑。通过银行界朋友介绍,她接连约见资金实力雄厚的中国买家,向他们推销纽约地产。去年,Field的团队共向中国买家售出价值$5600万元的房产,占总成交量近20%。“把目光瞄准中国买家是明智之举,他们的购买实力可比美国买家雄厚多了。”Field告诉本刊。
When Sotheby’s International Realty’s Nikki Field travels to China, she lines up back-to-back meetings with wealthy Chinese buyers looking to purchase New York real estate. Field has not only tapped her firm’s affiliated auction house to make introductions to wealthy Asian art collectors, but has also mined her own network of banking friends to link her to Chinese clients eyeing purchases of New York real estate. Kevin Swill, chief operating officer at the Manhattan-based real estate investment firm Carlton Group, also packs his schedule when he travels to China.
如此精明的生意人绝不止Nikki Field一人。Carlton Group首席运营官Kevin Swill在近日的亚洲之行中,共出席47场会议,和保险公司,个人投资者和私人股本公司会面。所谓入乡随俗,其中不少会面是在觥筹交错中进行,北京烤鸭,清蒸全鱼,成就了一笔笔投资交易。关系要铁,诚意要足,Swill已深知和中国人做生意的游戏规则。
On a recent three-week trip to Asia, with stops in Beijing, Seoul, Shanghai and Hong Kong, Swill attended a stunning 47 meetings where he discussed potential deals. Those meetings — with insurance firms, individual investors and private equity firms — took place in offices and over traditional Chinese meals of Peking duck, whole fish, grilled eel and boiled frogs.
Last year, Chinese investors spent $3.35 billion on New York City real estate. That was up 43 percent from the year before, and shows no sign of slowing. Gatekeepers for Chinese money include an army of bankers, lawyers, brokers and wealth managers based in New York, Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. In addition, investment teams at major Chinese companies, insurance firms, banks and state-owned entities are on the hunt for deals to recommend to their higher-ups.