Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Presents Circus XTREMEThe Greatest Show On Earth.®八月七日(週五)兩場:11:00 AM & 7:00 PM八月八日(週六)三場:11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM八月九日(週日)兩場:1:00 PM & 5:00 PM地點:Valley View Casino Center – 3500 Sports Arena Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92110 (免費停車,visit arena website for more info)售票:$15, $20, $25, $45 (VIP) and $65 (Front Row),按號入座。現場購票:the Valley View Casino Center Box Office*tickets may be subject to service charges, facility and handling fees本次演出時該團的第145次,新版本的新內容包括:
Xtreme Sports display featuring BMX freestyle riders, energetic parkour performers, trampoline acrobats and slack line gymnastics tricks
Caravan of Camels – the only act of it’s kind in the world featuring 6 twin-humped Bactrian camels
Bungee Skydivers aerial acro-ballet
World’s youngest human cannonball Gemma “The Jet” Kirby has been shot from the cannon over 500 times
Mongolian Marvels strongmen create a human pyramid with a combined weight of over 880 pounds
更多詳情,請瀏覽:www.ringlingbros.expapp.com from your iPhone or Android smartphone, and provide your name, email and phone number to become a VIP Circus Insider.
微信公眾號:美國華人雜誌WeChinese (點擊下方圖片,識別二維碼關注)地址:7510 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, #108, San Diego, CA 92117