内容来源:分享美国 地址链接:http://go.usa.gov/3Gw4J
在《美国残疾人法》(Americans with Disabilities Act ,缩写ADA)于1990年问世前,就业的残疾人寥寥无几。
沃尔玛公司(Wal-Mart Stores)人事协调员吉吉·莫汉(Gigi Mohan)所举的例子便是一个证明。她以在沃尔玛公司一家商店工作的阿尼斯·伊克巴尔(Anis Iqbal)的情况说明,为什么聘用有残障的人符合情理:“他与能在这楼里做事的任何其他雇员没有两样。他能够胜任所有工作。”
专事帮助残疾人找工作的非营利组织MVLE的执行副总裁凯南·阿登(Kenan Aden)指出,商业雇主开始了解到,“如果他们有着融合性的员工队伍,其中包含有残疾的雇员,那么他们的公司在市场上更被客户看重。这种投资给公司带来的回报是,他们发现这些雇员不仅工作努力,而且极其有成效。”
Hiring workers with disabilities: A good investment [video]
Before the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990, employers were not required to accommodate qualified job applicants who were disabled.
But that’s no longer the case. Thanks to the ADA, which prohibits discrimination in the workplace, over 29 million people with disabilities are employed in offices and businesses all across the United States, fulfilling their potential in a wide variety of occupations.
The benefits flow both ways: People with disabilities gain dignity and independence, and businesses gain dedicated, reliable employees.
Gigi Mohan, a personnel coordinator for Wal-Mart Stores, can attest to that. She mentions Anis Iqbal, who works at a Wal-Mart branch, as an example of why it makes sense to hire the disabled: “He’s just like any other employee I would have in this building. He’s capable of doing everything.”
And business owners are learning that customers “value that business more in their market if they actually have an integrated workforce that includes people with disabilities,” says Kenan Aden, executive vice president of MVLE, a nonprofit organization that helps people with disabilities find jobs.
“The return on investment for a business is that they see that these employees are not just hardworking, but extremely effective,” Aden adds.
By helping people with disabilities become full participants in the life of their communities, the ADA also helps U.S. society become better, more just and more democratic — and, say employers, more prosperous too.