绿地集团对于B2塔楼还需要“眼见为实” MaryAnne Gilmartin 认为他们的中国合伙人还需要被说服

2015年07月21日 美国地产投资高峰论坛

地产开发商森林城瑞特那公司(Forest City Ratner )的总裁和首席执行官MaryAnne Gilmartin,一直不懈地推动模块化建筑(Modular Construction),布鲁克林太平洋公园开发项目的32层B2塔楼虽然经历了很多磨难但被列为世界上最高的模块化建筑。(模块化建筑:房子预先组装好然后运到建筑工地和地基合成。 译者注释)

MaryAnne Gilmartin, president and CEO of Forest City Ratner Companies, has been an unflagging cheerleader of modular construction through the developer’s travails with Tower B2 — the Pacific Park building that, at 32 stories, is slated to be the world’s tallest modular structure.

Gilmartin 在本周二说,“但是森林城瑞特那公司中国合伙人,美国绿地团却需要“更多眼见为实”才可以接受。” 在布鲁克林的一场房地产峰会上对于一个观众的提问,Gilmartin说,“在布鲁克林太平洋公园项目中是否运用模块化建筑依旧被人们低估了。”

But Forest City’s Chinese partner, Greenland USA, “needs to see it to believe it,” Gilmartin said Tuesday. In response to an audience member’s question at TerraCRG’s Only Brooklyn real estate summit, Gilmartin said that it is still undetermined whether modular construction will be used for any additional Pacific Park buildings.

Gilmartin说,“很难,而且并不如预期的那样。而且要花更多的钱。”她说,“这种模块化建筑仍旧需要被证实,但是我是深信不疑。” Gilmartin认为B2塔楼的7个月延迟是由于森林城瑞特那公司和他的前合伙人,Skanaska USA公司的纠纷,与模块化建筑其实没有关系。去年秋,森林城瑞特那公司和 Skanska USA互相告上法庭,双方都指责对方成本超支和延误。

“It’s been hard. It’s not gone as planned. And it’s cost a lot more money,” she said. “This model is still yet to be proven, but I am a deep believer.” Gilmartin maintained that the seven-month delay in construction that Tower B2 suffered was simply due to a dispute between Forest City and its former partner, Skanska USA, and that modular construction is blameless. Forest City and Skanska traded suits last fall, with each blaming the other side for cost overruns and delays.

她认为“模块化建筑绝对没有致命的错误,仅仅是和合伙人之间出了问题造成延误。” 位于461 号Dean Street的B2塔楼,将包含363个公寓单位,50%是可负担房屋,项目将会在2016下半年完工。 “为证明模块化建筑的可行,我们需要B2塔楼项目更开放一些,如果人们走进去称赞它很漂亮,和这条街上的其他大楼没有什么区别。如果这样的话,我相信绿地集团也会有兴趣的。”

“There is no fatal flaw. It’s really about the hiccup we had with our partner,” she said. Tower B2, at 461 Dean Street, will contain 363 apartments, 50 percent of which will be affordable. Gilmartin said the units should be delivered by late 2016. “To prove out the model, we need B2 to open up. We need people to walk through and say, ‘This is beautiful, it looks just as good as the building down the street,’” she said. “If that happens, then I would say Greenland would be enthusiastic.”

Gilmartin还称赞模块化建筑的高效、成本低廉,会为纽约市长白思豪在2020年修建8万个可负担房屋的承诺得以实现提供保障。 有关今年早些时候的报告显示B2塔楼的模块错位,Gilmartin说改正工作已经完成,这将不会出现在未来任何建筑中。本周开发商已经破土动工布鲁克林第六大道38号的B3塔楼的地基,这个将是100%的可负担房屋。

Gilmartin also touted the efficiencies that modular could ideally afford, and cited it as a potentially major boon to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s goal to build 80,000 units of affordable housing by 2020. Of reports from earlier this year claiming that Tower B2’s modules were misaligned, Gilmartin said that corrective work was done and that the issues were nothing more than what you would normally see on any construction project. The developer is breaking ground this week on Tower B3 at 38 Sixth Avenue, which will be 100 percent affordable.

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