时间:2014年12月18日 星期四下午2:00 — 5:00
地点:成都香格里拉大酒店三楼乐山厅 (中国成都市滨江东路9号)
价格: 免费参加(席位有限,请尽早回复邮件报名)
报名邮件:[email protected]
报名电话:(028) 8526-8761
As the Chinese commercial environment becomes increasingly complex, examples such as GSK, Morgan Stanley and Fuxi demonstrate how multinational corporations have become exposed to bribery and fraud. Corporations are struggling to balance compliance and financial regulations with internal compliance procedures and fraud prevention. As a result, many entities are at risk of reputational damage and operational interruptions, as well as financial losses and decreased shareholder value. In response to this environment, corporations are turning to forensic accounting to manage risks related to commercial fraud and bribery. In order to help our members better deal with this issue, AmCham, together with Grant Thornton and Shangri-la Hotel Chengdu, organize this seminar on Forensic Accounting Methodologies and Measures Against Commercial Fraud. We are looking forward to your attendance.
Time: 14:00-17:00, December 18th (Thursday) , 2014
Place:3F Le Shan Function Room, Shangri-la Hotel, Chengdu ( NO.9, Binjiang Dong Road, Chengdu )
Price: Free of Charge(Limited space, Please R.S.V.P. ) Booking through the following way:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (028) 8526-8761