11月18日上午,加拿大驻上海总领事馆总领事Weldon Epp、领事Lee Kane和吴晓宁助理专员在省外办、市外办及高新区社会事业局陪同下顶着寒风冒着细雨,来我校先后参观了合肥高新中加学校和合肥加拿大国际学校。我校学生代表还为远道而来的贵宾们献上了精彩的演出和美丽的鲜花。
总领事Mr. Weldon认真听取了学校的介绍,参观了学校的各个功能室,亲自体验了室内高尔夫,饶有兴趣的欣赏了我们的茶艺、古筝、国画表演。关切询问了学校的发展状况、课程管理、师资配备,生源等情况。
总领事对学校在中国和加拿大两国的教育交流成就给予很高的评价,希望学校成为促进加拿大企业来安徽省投资的重要配套设施,Mr. Weldon特别强调要加强中加两国文化交流,并且希望未来领事馆也能为此提供更多的支持。
On the morning of November 18th, accompanied by the representatives of the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, the Municipal Foreign Affairs Office and social development bureau of the High-tech zone, the Canadian Consul General of Shanghai WeldonEPP, consul Lee Kane and assistant commissioner Wu Xiaoning visited the Sino-Canadian Concord School of Hefei and Hefei Canadian International School.
On behalf of all students, 16 students from the kindergarten and elementary schools performed and offered freshly picked flowers to welcome the guests from afar.
Consul Mr. Weldon listened carefully to the introduction of school, visited the school's various function rooms, experienced the Simulated golf course, appreciated our tea, zither, Chinese painting performances. They also concerned themselves with the development of the school, curriculum management, teachers, students, etc..
The Consul General thought highly of the exchange of bilateral education. They hope that the school would become an important area for Canadian companies to invest in Anhui Province. Mr. Weldon emphasized on strengthening the cultural exchanges between the two countries, and promises to provide more support for us.