【一语 学英语】风雨使人成长 → smooth 及其短语的含义

2015年11月18日 UKEC海外区



adj. 光滑的;流畅的;柔软的;温和的,安详的

vt. 使平滑;排除,消除;安抚,平息;使优雅

vi. 变平和,变缓和

n. 平地,平面

smooth away 消除(困难);排除障碍

With a bit of effort,we will smooth away any problems we encounter.

Her touch seemed to smooth away all his problems.

The attendant smoothed away the slight irregularities in the running track.

smooth down


She smoothed her hair down.


She tried to smooth down his temper.

I hope he can smooth the whole matter down.

The sea gradually smoothed down.

Affairs have smoothed down since the cause of trouble was removed.

smooth out


Mother brushed off the breadcrumbs and smoothed out the cloth.

The child was told to fold up the quilt and smooth out the bedsheets,after he got up in the morning.


She is good at smoothing these little problems out.

There are some technical problems to be smoothed out before we can fly.

smooth over 调停;解决;掩饰

He was asked to smooth things over between them.

Bill tried to smooth over his argument with Mary by making her laugh.

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