#Road2Paris# –“我将去年下半年奥巴马政府达成的美中气候变化协议视为一次历史性的突破…政府将净化空气置于非常优先考虑的位置,他们为实现它所要做的有很多事情也会减少碳排放。产生真正的变化有很大的机会。”- 美国前财长保尔森,他创办了位于北京的环保组织保尔森研究所。了解更多信息,请见http://www.paulsoninstitute.org/
“I view the U.S.-China agreement onclimate change that the Obama administration came to late last year as ahistoric breakthrough.... The government is placing a large priority oncleaning the air and much of what they need to do to accomplish that alsoreduces carbon emissions. There is a big opportunity to make a real difference.”- Hank Paulson, founder of Beijing basedenvironmental organization Paulson Institute.
For more information see http://www.paulsoninstitute.org/