
2014年09月08日 美国留学信息平台


Not carrying adriver'slicense: $ 214

After 10 dayswithout achange of address to notify DMV: $ 214

Driving without insurance causeanaccident: $ 796 and license suspended for 4 years

Beyond the red lights: $ 533
红灯不停,右转弯红灯不停罚金一样, $533

Crossing two gold stripes(doublesolid lane): $ 425

Turn and UTurn ban in place ormiddleof road: $ 284
违规转弯或掉头$ 284

The speed (from 115 miles): $ 224
超速115迈,罚金$ 224,通常来说超10迈才会给罚单

The speed (from 16 to 25 miles)338
超速1625迈,罚金$ 338

Driving too slow: $ 328

Donot full stop at Stop Sign: $ 284
Stop Sign没有完全停住$284

Passingthrough the bus when the lights are flashing: $ 675
穿越闪灯的校车$ 675

Holding and using the phone handset while driving (1st time): $ 160
开车打电话第一次要$ 160,电话在手里也要罚!

Parking place for buses: $ 976
停在大巴位置罚金$ 976

Do not open the lamp when it is coming up (30 minutes)382
开汽车大探照灯超30分钟$ 382

Cover car door: $ 178

Failing to wear seat belt: $ 160
未系安全带$ 160

Children not wearing seat belts or in accordance with: $ 436
小孩没有系安全带或者没有儿童座椅$ 436

Wear your hearing in both ears covered: $ 178
开车两耳戴耳机$ 178

All violations of the error on the ticket must be in aclass"Traffic Safety" (Traffic Violator Class).




纽约的交通违规罚单 (traffic tickets) 以罚单颜色区分为白单、黄单与红单,不过更简单的区分主要为两类。

一类是违规停车罚单(Parking Violation),内容包括并排停车、逾时停车、在消防栓15内停车、妨碍道路清扫停车、在不停车的路段上停车而遭罚,若停在残障专用车位则会遭拖吊。这一类罚单多是与车子本身有关,因无法明是车主在行驶,有可能是车主的亲友在借车行驶时造成违规,因此多半是缴交罚款了事。这一类罚单的颜色为白色,故华人移民通称该罚单为「白单」。

第二类罚单为行车违规罚单(Moving Violation),内容包括超速(Speeding)、鲁莽驾驶(Reckless Driving)、超越校车(Failure to Stop for a School Bus)、紧跟前车 (Tail-gating)、煞车不灵(Inadequate Brakes)、不按交通标行驶(Violation Involving Traffic Signal, Stop Sign, or Yield Sign)、不当超车(Improper Passing)、无婴儿椅(Child Safety Restrain Violation)、不当转弯、逆向行驶等十多种,因罚单为黄色,又称为「黄单」。

而第二类罚单中较严重者为刑事罚单,例如酒醉驾车等严重违规的安全问题,罚单为粉红色,又称为「红单」。此类驾驶人除缴罚金外,驾驶执照上还要被记上一笔,扣除3至6点不等的点数 (points),甚至严重超速者还会一次记上11点,意味未来一年内汽车保险费会大幅上涨,且一涨就是三年零四个月。若一年半内违规所累计的点数超过 11点,就会被迫吊销驾驶执照,更严重者还有可能引来牢狱之灾。


——Speeding (1-10 MPH over posted limit):
3 points
——Speeding (11-20 MPH over posted limit):
4 points
——Speeding (21-30 MPH over posted limit):
6 points
——Speeding (31-40 MPH over posted limit):
8 points
——Speeding (more than 40 MPH over posted limit):
11 points
——Reckless driving:
5 points
——Failing to stop for a school bus:
5 points
——Following too closely (tailgating):
4 points
——Inadequate brakes:
4 points
——Inadequate brakes while driving an employer's vehicle:
2 points
——Failing to yield right-of-way:
3 points
——Violation involving a traffic signal, stop sign, or yield sign:
3 points
——Railroad-crossing violation:
3 points
——Improper passing, unsafe lane change, driving left of center, or driving in wrong direction:
3 points
——Leaving the scene of an incident involving property damage or injury to a domestic animal:
3 points
——Safety restraint violation involving a person under 16 years old:
3 points
——Texting while driving:
5 points
——Any other moving violation:
2 points




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