
2015年11月19日 走进加拿大




  1. AmericanHistory - CHA3U

  2. Introductionto Computer Science - ICS3U

  3. English- ENG3U

  4. CoreFrench - FSF3U

  5. ExtendedFrench - FEF3U

  6. FrenchImmersion - FIF3U

  7. Functions- MCR3U

  8. English:Contemporary Aboriginal Voices - NBE3U

  9. Biology- SBI3U

  10. Chemistry- SCH3U

  11. Physics- SPH3U



  1. Dance -ATC3M

  2. Drama -ADA3M

  3. MediaArts - ASM3M

  4. Music -AMU3M

  5. VisualArts - AVI3M

  6. FinancialAccounting Fundamentals - BAF3M

  7. PhysicalGeography: Patterns, Processes, and Interactions - CGF3M

  8. TheAmericas: Geographic Patterns and Issues - CGD3M

  9. TheIndividual and the Economy - CIE3M

  10. UnderstandingCanadian Law - CLU3M

  11. WorldHistory to the Sixteenth Century - CHW3M

  12. CanadianLiterature - ETC3M

  13. Functionsand Applications - MCF3M

  14. CurrentAboriginal Issues in Canada - NDA3M

  15. EnvironmentalScience - SVN3M

  16. Introductionto Anthropology, Psychology,and Sociology - HSP3M

  17. WorldReligions: Beliefs,Issues, and Religious Traditions - HRT3M

  18. CommunicationsTechnology - TGJ3M

  19. ComputerEngineering Technology - TEJ3M

  20. GreenIndustries - THJ3M

  21. HealthCare - TPJ3M

  22. ManufacturingEngineering Technology - TMJ3M

  23. TechnologicalDesign - TDJ3M



  1. Entrepreneurship:TheVenture- BDI3C

  2. Marketing:Goods, Services, Events - BMI3C

  3. CanadianHistory and Politics Since 1945 - CHH3C

  4. Introductionto Computer Programming - ICS3C

  5. English- ENG3C

  6. Foundationsfor College Mathematics - MBF3C

  7. AboriginalBeliefs, Values, and Aspirations in Con-temporary Society - NBV3C

  8. English:Contemporary Aboriginal Voices - NBE3C

  9. Biology- SBI3C

  10. Livingand Working With Children - HPW3C

  11. ManagingPersonal and Family Resources - HIR3C

  12. ConstructionEngineering Technology - TCJ3C

  13. HealthCare - TPJ3C

  14. Hospitalityand Tourism - TFJ3C

  15. ManufacturingTechnology - TMJ3C

  16. TransportationTechnology - TTJ3C



  1. Dance -ATC3O

  2. Drama -ADA3O

  3. Exploringand Creating in the Arts - AEA3O/4O

  4. MediaArts - ASM3O

  5. Music -AMU3O

  6. VisualArts - AVI3O

  7. Entrepreneurship:TheEnterprising Person - BDP3O

  8. Informationand Commu-nication Technology: The Digital Environment - BTA3O

  9. CanadianPolitics and Citizenship - CPC3O

  10. Traveland Tourism: A Regional Geographic Perspective - CGG3O

  11. WorldHistory Since 1900: Global and Regional Perspectives - CHT3O

  12. OntarioSecondary School Literacy Course - OLC3O/OLC4O

  13. MediaStudies - EMS3O

  14. Presentationand Speaking Skills - EPS3O

  15. CoreFrench - FSF3O

  16. AdvancedLearning Strategies: Skills for Success After Secondary School - GLE3O

  17. DesigningYour Future - GWL3O

  18. Leadershipand Peer Support - GPP3O

  19. Healthfor Life - PPZ3O

  20. HealthyActive Living Education - PPL3O

  21. InterdisciplinaryStudies - IDC3O

  22. InterdisciplinaryStudies - IDP3O

  23. Fashionand Creative Expression - HNC3O

  24. LivingSpaces and Shelter - HLS3O

  25. Parenting- HPC3O

  26. Philosophy:The Big Questions - HZB3O

  27. WorldReligions: Beliefs and Daily Life - HRF3O

  28. CommunicationsTechnology: Broadcast and Print Production - TGJ3O

  29. TechnologicalDesign and the Environment - TDJ3O

  30. TransportationTechnology:Vehicle Ownership - TTJ3O



  1. AccountingEssentials - BAI3E

  2. Marketing:Retail and Service - BMX3E

  3. CanadianHistory and Politics Since 1945 - CHH3E

  4. Geographics:The Geographer’s Toolkit - CGT3E

  5. MakingEconomic Choices - CIC3E

  6. UnderstandingCanadian Law - CLU3E

  7. English- ENG3E

  8. Mathematicsfor Work and Everyday Life - MEL3E

  9. AboriginalBeliefs, Values, and Aspirations in Con-temporary Society - NBV3E

  10. English:Contemporary Aboriginal Voices - NBE3E

  11. EnvironmentalScience - SVN3E

  12. ManagingPersonal Resources - HIP3E

  13. ComputerTechnology - TEJ3E

  14. ConstructionTechnology - TCJ3E

  15. CustomWoodworking - TWJ3E

  16. GreenIndustries - THJ3E

  17. Hairstylingand Aesthetics - TXJ3E

  18. Hospitalityand Tourism - TFJ3E

  19. ManufacturingTechnology - TMJ3E







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