2015年雅思写作Task 1题型趋势预测

2014年12月31日 7PLUS英语









The school will be renovated based on theabove plan for 2015. Compared with the current layout, the new plan willwitness the following changes.

Firstly, the entrance will be set on the south side of the complex instead of the north side, so that it is right at the bus stop and is easy for visitors, as well as employees and students to access. Logically, once inside the entrance, a reception area will replace the toilets, which will be moved to the north. For those who drive, a parking lot will beadded on top of the present five and will take the space of the current footpath.

Apart from visitor convenience, another change, which is quite noticeable, is increased number of classroom. The newlayout will feature five classrooms as compared with the current three. In addition, the new classrooms will be grouped together on the eastern side except one on the west. And the library will be moved from the east to thewest, right after the entrance, which allows library users to get into thelibrary without having to walk a long distance after the entrance.

The enlarged classroom area will take part of the space of the present garden; the rest of the garden area will be used for a shop and the toilet.

The only two places that will remainunchanged are one classroom on the west side and the lunch room.


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