It is time to close the borders to the Syrians and Muslim groups for the safety of all Australians now and in the future. Australians know and understand what is really happening around the world. Minority groups and some younger Australians do not understand the full impact of the situation. We need to keep Australians safe in their own country. Our children deserve the right to grow up in the Australia their parents grew up in and grandparents. This petition is for all Australians to put forward their voice to Peter Dutton and all the politicians and Prime Minister of Australia.
考虑到所有澳洲人现在以及将来的安全问题,是时候向叙利亚人和穆斯林团体关闭边境了。澳洲人非常清楚明白当下的全世界正在发生的事情,少数群体和一些年轻的澳洲人可能还不理解这种境况所带来的影响全面的影响。我们要确保澳洲人在自己国家生活是安全的,澳洲的孩子有权在父母和祖父母的疼爱下安全幸福地长大。这个请愿书是用来让所有澳洲人提出他们的心声,并传达给Peter Dutton和所有的政客包括澳大利亚总理。
再看看美国,已经有27个州明确 表态拒绝接收叙利亚难民: