Lady M告诉你如何有品味地穷游纽约

2016年03月04日 美国旅游攻略

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《城市品读》是Weego即将推出的全新板块,主题为深度游高端访谈。我们在全球寻访传奇故事,跨界美食、艺术、时尚、科技、文化等领域,同Weego的海外合作伙伴们共同完成一段又一段城市美学之旅。跟随权威人物的专业视角探索一座城市独特的魅力,深入他们记忆中值得信赖的经典场所和生活桥段,一并品读在城市中诞生的品牌故事与扎根于当地的生活态度。专访将在Weego APP内和新媒体平台上同步推出,作为您境外行程的优质参考。

Ken Romaniszyn

Ken Romaniszyn,Lady M创始人,家族经营着口碑不错的Wasabi Bistro日料连锁餐厅,Ken Romaniszyn从小深受日本料理影响,对于美食有自己独特的见解。Lady M在他的呵护下已经成长为如今甜点界的LV,受到很多美食爱好者喜欢。

Lady M作为甜品女王,结合了法式甜品的精致优雅和日式料理的细致简洁,赢得了无数甜品爱好者的追捧。而作为在纽约生活多年的Lady M创始人Ken Romaniszyn,对这座繁华都市会说一些什么呢?



Ken Romaniszyn(以下简称“K”):The vibrant energy of New York City is contagious. On every street corner you discover something new and delicious food smells linger everywhere you walk. It’s a walking city where you can simply stroll and enjoy getting lost in the hustle and bustle. It is a truly international city that welcomes all nationalities and you can satisfy any food craving 24 hours a day.


About Food/关于美食


K: This is a very difficult question as there are so many amazing restaurants to choose from in NYC and it really depends on what I am craving at the time. I do hold a very special place in my heart for Blue Hill at Stonebarns, New York’s famous farm to table restaurant. Sourcing from the surrounding fields and pasture, as well as other local farms, Blue Hill at Stone Barns highlights the abundant resources of the Hudson Valley in NYC. There are no menus. Instead, guests are offered the multi-taste Grazing, Rooting, Pecking menu featuring the best offerings from the field and market.

(这是个非常难回答的问题。因为纽约有太多令人赞叹的餐厅供人选择,所以我的答案完全取决于我当下的偏好。不过,Blue Hill at Stone Barns的确在我心中有着特殊的位置,它是一家善于将当地新鲜食材搬上饭桌的餐厅。Blue Hill at Stone Barns餐厅突显了哈德逊谷丰富的资源,因为所有食材均取自于周边的农田、牧场和当地的农庄。这里并不为客人们提供菜单,取而代之的是由放牧、种植、啄食等环节组成的味道丰富的天然菜单,涵盖了当地田野和菜场里最好的原料。)

I also love the Chinese and Japanese restaurants in the city. There are so many to choose from with such authentic dishes from different regions. My new favorite is China Blue on Watts Street. It is the best Shanghainese food in Manhattan. The soup dumplings, meatball soup and tofu with shrimp are amazing. Best soup dumplings outside of Shanghai!

(我还喜欢纽约的中国和日本餐馆,如此琳琅满目的选择囊括了各个地区地道的菜品。我的新欢是Watts街上的China Blue,它是曼哈顿最好的上海餐馆。小笼包、肉丸汤和鲜虾豆腐煲都棒极了,是出了上海能吃到的最好的小笼包。)

Blue Hill at Stone Barns

位置:630 Bedford Rd.Tarrytown, NY 10591

电话:(914) 366-9600

China Blue

位置:135 Watts St.New York, NY 10013



K: New York is a melting pot for every culture and as such it is difficult to pinpoint one or two restaurants. See below some recommendations in different categories.



K: The Spotted Pig: April Blumethal’s trendy bistro in the West Village. The burgers are famous and loved by local New Yorkers!

(The Spotted Pig: April Blumethal大厨位于西村(West Village)的小酒馆,汉堡非常出名,是纽约当地人的心头爱。)

The Spotted Pig

位置:314 W. 11th St.New York, NY 10014


ABC Kitchen

Michelin star Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten serves award-winning cuisine, curated in alignment with the farm-to-table movement in the flatiron district.

(ABC Kitchen:米其林明星大厨 Jean-Georges Vongerichten在此供应获奖菜肴,这家由他担任负责人的餐厅所遵循的理念同兴起于熨斗区(Flatiron District)的“取于当地,用于当地”健康饮食运动的理念是一致的。)

ABC Kitchen

位置:35 East 18th Street New York, NY 10003


Joes Pizza  This is a classic, New York pizza joint. Great for a snack, Joe’s has served global celebrities since 1975.

(Joes’s Pizza:这家店非常经典,集纽约式披萨之大成。全球的明星们自1975年起就开始光顾这家披萨店了,它是小食的好去处。)

Joes’s Pizza

位置:7 Carmine St, Frnt 1, New York City, NY 10014-4441 (Manhattan)

电话: 1-212-255-3946


Brunch a very New York thing, a meal in between breakfast and lunch at weekends


Café Habana  fun, Cuban restaurant on Elizabeth Street in the trendy Lower East Side and a short walk to shopping in SoHo.

(Café Habana:一家位于时髦的下东区,坐落在伊丽莎白路(Elizabeth Street)上的有趣的古巴餐厅。从这儿出发走一小段路,就可以去SoHo购物了。)

Café Habana

位置:17 Prince St (between Mott St & Elizabeth St) New York, NY 10012


Jack’s Wife Freida The clientele at this hip brunch spot are young and stylish and the food is homey, delicious, and wonderfully satisfying. It’s a New York iconic brunch spot.

(Jack’s Wife Freida:这家炫酷餐厅的顾客们都非常的年轻、有范儿,食物家常且美味,能愉快地喂饱你,是纽约地标性的早午餐餐厅。)


Le Bernandin  Eric Ripert’s famous Michelin star restaurant for special occasions.

(Le Bernandin:Eric Ripert家著名的米其林餐厅,适宜于特殊场合。)

Le Bernandin

位置:155 W 51st St,New York City,NY 10019 (Manhattan)

电话: 1-212-5541515

Aqua Grill  best oysters in the city in SoHo on the fashionable Spring Street.

(Aqua Grill:位于SoHo街区内时尚的斯普林大街上,有着城里最好的生蚝。)

Aqua Grill

位置:210 Spring St.New York, NY 10012


4.Italian /意大利式


A tiny Italian restaurant on the charming and popular West 4th Street with an upscale crowd and special seating at the chef's counter. After dinner a stroll down the famous Bleecker Street is a must!

(Dell’Anima:一家位于迷人而热闹的西四街上(West 4th Street)的意大利小餐馆,有着高消费的人流和主厨柜台旁的特别席位。用完餐后去著名的布雷克大街(Bleecker Street)溜达溜达,更是一件必须要做的事。)


位置:38 8th Ave.New York, NY 10014


About Things To Do/关于好去处


K: New York has everything for everyone. You will find something to satisfy every interest that you have.


Iconic New York landmarks、Statue of Liberty、Empire State Building、Ellis Island、A stroll up Fifth Avenue、A stroll up Madison Avenue、Eating New York Pizza – Joes pizza, John’s pizza (both located in the west village)、Eating New York Bagels - Black Seed Bagels

纽约的地标、自由女神像、帝国大厦、埃利斯岛、在第五大道(Fifth Avenue)漫步、在麦迪逊大道(Madison Avenue)闲逛、享受纽约式披萨——Joes’s Pizza店, John’s Pizza店 (两店都位于西村)、品尝纽约式硬面包圈——Black Seed Bagels店

1.Art Lovers /艺术爱好者

Start the day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on the Upper East Side and skip the queue by using the side entrance where the coat check is. Pay no more than one dollar (the $20 fee is only suggested), enjoy a stroll through New York’s iconic Central Park down to the Plaza hotel or take a horse and cart to the Plaza.

(美好的一天从位于上东区的大都会博物馆(Metropolitan Museum of Art)开始,通过衣帽间(coat check)旁边的侧门进入就可以跳过排队的流程。最多支付1美元(20美元的门票价仅作参考),就能尽情地享受在纽约的地标——中央公园(Central Park)里漫步,一路走到广场酒店(Plaza Hotel),或是搭乘马车。)

Metropolitan Museum of Art

位置:1000 5th Ave.New York, NY 10028

Central Park

位置:New York, NY 10024

Plaza Hotel

位置:768 5th Ave。New York, NY 10019

Visit the famous food hall and find the Lady M stall for a slice of delicious mille crepes cake. The food hall has many famous New York brands and is a great location to do some gift shopping. After the Plaza take a walk down Fifth Avenue and pop into Bergdorf Goodman, the most luxurious department store in all of NYC. A walk around the shoe department and the pretty ball gowns will make your heart swoon.

(参观广场上著名的美食大厅(Food Hall),找到Lady M的摊位,来上一块美味的千层蛋糕。这座美食大厅内有许多纽约的驰名品牌,在这儿打点礼物再合适不过。出了广场,一路走到第五大道(Fifth Avenue),逛逛纽约城里最奢适的购物商场——Bergdorf Goodman。围着卖场鞋区和舞会礼服区逛一圈儿,会令你心醉神迷。)

Food Hall

位置:1 W 59th St.New York, NY 10019

Lady M

位置:36 W 40th St.New York, NY 10018

Bergdorf Goodman

位置:754 5th Ave.New York, NY 10019

Walk down Fifth Avenue to the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) and enjoy famous artists such as Van Gogh, Picasso and Andy Warhol.

沿着第五大道往下走一直到MOMA现代艺术博物馆 (Museum of Modern Art),尽情地陶醉在梵高、毕加索、安迪·沃霍尔等艺术家的作品中。

From the MOMA , take a stroll to the beautiful Bryant Park for more shopping and pop into our Bryant Park Boutique for a relaxing cup of tea and a delicious snack.

从MOMA散步到美丽的布莱恩特公园(Bryant Park),可以继续逛街。在布莱恩特精品店(Bryant Park Boutique)来上一杯茶,搭配美味的甜点,真放松。

Bryant Park

位置:New York, NY 10018

Museums and Galleries to check out on the Upper East Side before heading to the Plaza: The Guggenheim, The Gagosian Gallery, The Neue Museum and the Museum of the City of New York.

从上东区出发去广场前不可错过的博物馆和艺术馆:古根海姆博物馆(The Guggenheim),高古轩画廊( The Gagosian Gallery), 纽约新美术馆(The Neue Galerie) 和纽约市立博物馆 (The Museum of the City of New York)。

The Guggenheim

位置:1071 5th Ave.New York, NY 10128

The Gagosian Gallery

位置:980 Madison Ave.New York, NY 10075

The Neue Galerie

位置:1048 5th Ave.New York, NY 10028

The Museum of the City of New York

位置:1220 5th Ave.New York, NY 10029

2.Fashion Lovers /时尚爱好者

New York City is eponymous with style and fashionistas from all over the world come here to shop. A popular daytrip for visitors is Woodbury Commons, a shopping village, easily accessible by bus, just 90 minutes outside the city.

纽约,城如其名,是全世界流行和时髦发烧友们购物的必选之地。Woodbury Commons的购物一日游颇受游客们欢迎,这家购物村位于纽约城外,搭乘巴士90分钟即可到达,非常便捷。

Woodbury Commons

位置:498 Red Apple Ct.Woodbury, NY 10917

Also, New Yorkers tend to resale their designer goods, oftentimes without ever using it. It is trendy for women and men to shop in designer resale stores also known as “consignment shops”. See below a list of shopping recommendations:


Best department stores for luxury: On Fifth Avenue you will find Bergdorf Goodman and Saks Fifth Avenue. Madison Avenue is an exclusive shopping street and we recommend Barneys New York which is very popular amongst the global fashion elite.

最好的奢侈品购物中心:第五大道上的Bergdorf Goodman 和Saks Fifth Avenue。麦迪逊大道(Madison Avenue)是一条高级的专卖街,我们推荐Barneys New York,它在全球的时尚精英圈中特别受欢迎。

Saks Fifth Avenue

位置:681 5th Ave #12.New York, NY 10022

Barneys New York

位置:660 Madison Ave.New York, NY 10065

Best department stores for value: Century 21 ( Near the 9/11 memorial and Wall Street and the ferries to the Statue of liberty and Ellis Island).

最好的高质量购物中心:Century 21 ( 在9.11纪念园和华尔街以及开往自由女神像和埃利斯岛的轮渡附近)

Century 21

位置:139 E 61st St Suite 2W.New York, NY 10065

NEW YORK SECRET Best designer resale: Michaels on 80th and Madison Avenue, Designer Resale on 81st street between First Avenue and Second Avenue, and INA in Chelsea

独家爆料纽约最优质的设计师二手店:位于80大街和麦迪逊大道上的Michaels,位于81大街和第一、第二大道间的Designer Resale,以及切尔西(Chelsea)的INA。


位置:24 W 55th St.New York, NY 10019

Designer Resale

位置:1134 Madison Ave.New York, NY 10028

About Shopping/关于购物


K: Lady M represents minimalist elegance and classic design. As such, I am a fan of luxury brands such as Chanel, Calvin Klein Collection, Celine, Hermes and Stella Mc Cartney. See above shopping malls.

(Lady M代表了极简的优雅和经典的设计。就这样的身份,我是一名奢饰品爱好者,喜爱诸如香奈儿(Chanel)、CK(Calvin Klein)、赛琳(Celine)、爱马仕(Hermes)、丝黛拉·麦卡妮(Stella Mc Cartney)等品牌。购物地点请参考前文。)


K: An “I heart New York” souvenir. It is iconic, inexpensive and a gift that everyone loves.

一件 “I heart New York”的纪念品。它已成为标志性的、每个人都喜爱的礼物,价钱也不贵

About Local Culture/关于当地文化


K: It is a 24/7 city and the energy and excitement ever stops. It is aptly known as “the city that never sleeps”.



K: New Yorkers care about freedom and diversity. People from all walks of life and nationalities live together peacefully. Ellis Island is a special place for New Yorkers as it is a symbol for the great, life changing journey that is the immigrant process.



K: Food: Bagel for breakfast, pizza to snack, brunch at the weekend .


Fashion: New Yorkers wear a lot of black and everyone has a tailor. Manicures and pedicures are very popular (for men and women) and everyone has their favorite nail salon.


Art: The leading artists in the world visit NYC and use it as a source of inspiration. Locals often pop into museums and their local art galleries after their weekend brunch.


Culture: New Yorkers love Lincoln Centre, a beautiful building on the Upper West side where one can enjoy the Ballet or some theatre.


About yourself/关于你自己

W:您想通过Lady M为大众带来什么?能聊聊为什么想要开一家蛋糕精品店吗?

K:We want to provide our customers with an elegant, minimalist, beautiful environment to experience our handcrafted, fresh, luxurious cakes.


We place importance on the design of our cakes so that they are visually pleasing and taste as good as they look.


We create an environment of luxury to share those special moments with friends, loved ones, new acquaintances. Our main focus is on customer experience and we constantly strive to enhance the experience for our clientele.











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微信号: lvyouzn08







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