The First Knowledge Bowel of International Division
In order to creat a colorful study life for students and get more knowledge. Changchun Experimental High School International vison will hold the first Knowledge Bowel on March. 16th ,2016.
The competition have a rich content, which include both Chinese competitionand English competition. There are four sections.
环节一:中华瑰宝之中文对抗赛 Mystery Chinese
1. 咬文嚼字 Chinese Words Storm
2. 成语大全 One Gesture One Guess
环节二: 魅力英语之英文大比拼 Charming English
1. 单词拼写 English Words Storm
2. 猜猜猜 One Gesture One Guess
环节三: 全能王之科学知识竞赛 King Of Knowledge
1. 先声夺人(必答题) must answer
2. 争分夺秒(抢答题)race to be the first to answer
环节四之谁是小鲁班(各班级派一个作品参赛,在3月14日进行比赛)"who is Lu Ban "
比赛前选手将获得10张A4纸,选手需要利用这10张纸搭建一个可以承重的物体(任何形状都可以),各班级想进行预赛,每个班级选出一个最佳作品,通过现场验证各组承受压力进行排名。The students will get 10 pieces of paper and they need to use the paper to make a thing that can bear weight . And all the classes can make a preliminary first , find the best one and pass the spot test.
Each class as a team and calculate the marks in total, so we want all the students can take active part in the competition. Please find your headteacher to regist in the competition.