【Immigration】Immigration law services for education providers

2016年03月09日 澳大利亚豪力法律服务

The increasingly complex compliance-based regulatory environment presents significant challenges for international education providers. 

Holding Redlich can help you manage these challenges.

Our National Immigration Law Group is a specialist legal practice advising on all aspects of state, territory and commonwealth regulatory frameworks relevant to international education providers including universities, vocational education providers and schools.

Our expert legal services and strategic, practical advice cover matters ranging from quality assurance, professional standards and student welfare, to liability issues in the context of risk management, audit, compliance and re-registration requirements.

Our experience in working with international education providers is complemented by our skills and experience in all aspects of Australia’s immigration laws and the Migration Program’s complex legal and policy framework. This includes student visas, cancellations and revocations and the General Skilled Migration Program.

ESOS Framework Solutions
We provide expert advice to education providers on the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) framework including the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the ESOS Regulations 2001, and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students.

Our extensive knowledge of the ESOS framework is complemented by our expertise in relation to various state and territory legislation relevant to the education of overseas students. We advise international education providers on the ESOS regulatory requirements including compliance monitoring, reporting, audits, investigations and prosecutions.

Our experience includes providing up-to-date and practical advice to education providers with respect to their policies, practices and procedures to ensure consistency with the National Code and the Australian Quality Training Framework, including in regard to:

- state and territory legislation regulating international education
- provider requirements and obligations
- agent agreements
- monitoring student visa compliance and reporting
- dealing with complaints, audits and investigations including under the ESOS Act and state and territory legislation
- dealing with complaints and grievance handling and dispute resolution procedures
- enforcement under the ESOS Regulatory Scheme
- enforcement under the Migration Act 1958
- accommodation and welfare arrangements
- Australian privacy laws
- change of education provider
- assurance fund obligations and related issues
- equal opportunity laws and obligations, duty of care, harassment and discrimination
- other ancillary advices relevant to regulation of education providers and student visas.

We can also assist with changes to Registered Providers’ Ownership or Management and Onshore and Offshore Partner and Affiliation Agreements, including Agreements to deliver VCE and Tertiary Studies Offshore.

We provide advice on, review and we draw policies, procedures, forms, proformas and ancillary documents relevant to the 15 Standards contained in the National Code 2007.

We understand your business
We have worked with leading tertiary and vocational education providers to international students for many years and have

a real understanding of your needs. We have also advised schools including in regard to accommodation and welfare arrangements, the duty of care and such like in regard to under aged students.  We understand the issues you may be facing, and have developed practical and effective solutions.

Services for students
Our team has significant experience working with students assisting them with visas and visa conditions. We advise on issues including attendance and satisfactory academic performance requirements, student welfare, mandatory and discretionary visa cancellations, applications for revocation, merits review applications and related matters.

We also act for students seeking residency in Australia, including in regard to skill assessments, English language and other requirements

Maria Jockel

Partner | Melbourne
Leader of the National Immigration Law Group
Accredited Immigration Law Specialist
Australian Registered Migration Agent Number: 9802742
New Zealand Registered Migration Agent Number: 201100929
T +61 3 9321 9735 
E maria.jockel@holdingredlich.com
W www.whoswholegal.com
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【We provide excellent expert advice to businesses wishing to invest in Australia.】
Our previous news releases for Chinese investors include the following topics: 
- Business set up in Australia, business structures, company administration, etc.
- Background information of Australia, including Australian government, legal system, and business structures, etc.
- Laws and regulations in various common areas, including protection of technology and intellectual property, anti-trust and consumer law, contract law, business migration, real property, public takeovers, and electronic commerce etc.
- Professional industrial updates and insights, such as regulation on foreign investment.
Holding Redlich
Holding Redlich is a leading national Australian commercial law firm.  We are member of LawExchange International. We have strong links to a number of  businesses and law firms in China. We have lawyers that specialise in agribusiness, property, financial services, migration and M&A, being the areas of most interest to Chinese investors. We have also assisted many Chinese companies and nationals to find investment opportunities and to establish businesses in Australia.

联系电话 Telephone:
墨尔本 Melbourne:+61 3 9321 9999
悉尼 Sydney:+612 8083 0388
布里斯班 Brisbane: +61 7 3135 0500

For more information please see our website www.holdingredlich.com


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