乐视创新科技持续引发美媒关注。乐视最新一代超级手机率先舍弃耳机插孔,引发的热议还未降温,针对下一代超级手机会有哪些最牛装备的传言已经满天飞,成为美国媒体猛追的话题。安卓产品消息权威网站Android Headline专文解析最新传闻,称乐视超級手机下一代头产品将把随机存取(RAM)扩充到史无前例的8GB!要知道,市面上一线品牌手机目前最多只是6GB的随机存取,因此AndroidHeadline还特地强调8GB不是一个笔误,并称赞乐视为超热门的手机品牌。著名手机新闻网站PhoneArena.com不约而同专文报导8GB乐视超级手机传言,称功能强大的超级手机是行业中的「怪兽」!8GB刷新手机行业随机存取新高,乐视生态的颠覆科技和每天都在进步的创新理念,更是带给行业竞争者很大压力!虽然只是传闻,但乐视生态势不可挡的发展趋势却非常明显。未来乐视智能产品会将科技推进到什么地步?让我们拭目以待吧!
While LeEco ditching the traditional 3.5mm headphone jack on its newly released Superphones remains the hottest topic in the moblie industry, rumors about LeEco's next flagship phones already hit up the internet. One of the most popular Android news site, Androi Headlines, reports that LeEco's next Superphone, which could come out later this year, is allegedly preparing to include 8GB of RAM. Phonearena.com also ran a story on the rumor. Since 6GB is currently the highest standard in the industry, Android Headlineemphasizes that 8GB is not a typo. It claims that the innovative progress of LeEco is setting up a higher bar for its competitors! Although the rumors are not confirmed by LeEco, it's clear that the brand has become the talk of the town in mobile technology.
In an article titled “Innovation shifts from Products to Solution,” Forbes reports that companiesare moving away from their traditiona narrow-focus on product innovation andinto more comprehensive customer experiences. The article use the auto industryas an example, stating that driving experience and multi-function satisfactionis more important to today's customers. LeEco and its Le Ecosystem is theperfect example for Forbes' claim. The article calls LeSEE a real competitor inthe auto industry.
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