2016.06.18 A类大作文范文
Cycling is healthier and better for the environment, but is not popular in many places. Why is this the case and how should the popularity of cycling in such places be improved?
【这个题目并不是特别难写哦~ 大家需要仔细的读题——文章要关于health和environment这两个点,千万不要写着写着写偏了哦~此外,还要注意题目中有两个问题,Why and How, 只回答其一,也会让TR变得很难看!】
It is widely known that cycling is a healthier alternative to driving and other forms of transport, yet it is still not a popular form of travel. The main reason for this is due to qualities of cycling that seem inferior, such as safety and speed. The best way to improve this is for governments to create better infrastructure for potential cyclists.
In many countries, cycling is still not seen as a predominant way to travel due to the stigmas associated with it, such as its lack of safety and time it takes to travel compared to cars and trains. Despite its advantages in people’s health and the environment, other forms of travel are seen as better ways to get to destinations as they are seen as more comfortable, safer, and are able to cover great distances. On the other hand, if we look at Melbourne for instance, the infrastructure for bicycle lanes are far less developed than those of road and rail. This makes cycling dangerous and furthermore, slower to travel overall, hence affecting its popularity.
Cycling can certainly become a more favourable way to travel if governments make greater efforts to improve the conditions as well as advertise the benefits of cycling. Increasing the number of bicycle routes and road safety rules with the safety of cyclists in mind is a great way to encourage cycling in areas where it may not be as popular.For instance, greater investment in implementing bicycle routes by the Melbourne government has increased the amount of cyclists on the road, particular in the Melbourne CBD. Greater media exposure to the improvements in safety of these routes along suburbs like Brunswick has also rejuvenated more interest in cycling than driving. In these ways, cycling can hence be made more popular.
【前一段写了第一问,那么这一段就要来回答第二问How。大家在写作的时候所给出的solution,最好是和之前所提出的Why能够对应上。比如,作者这段就写到——想要改善cycling的安全性问题,就需要政府规范化骑车制度,完善骑车道的基础建设。当然了除了这些,媒体对于骑车所带来的好处的宣传也是必不可少的。类似于greater media exposure就是一个很不错的表达,大家可以积累一下哦!下次轮到自己写相关文章的时候,就可以换一种句型,换一种方式来表述咯!】
In conclusion, from the above discussion, cycling is not seen as better way to travel because of the highlights of its negatives; however, with the methods aforementioned, it can definitely be changed.
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