
2016年06月15日 加拿大熊孩子


号外:社区的建设需要大家共同的努力,熊孩子和温哥华城市知道合作进行原创征稿活动,如果有妈妈有好的育儿心得,欢迎和熊爸联系投稿,字数在1000-2000左右,只要被采纳,会有相应的稿费。投稿邮箱:[email protected]

5月29日,在群里妈妈开的High tea - Audrey Moment Afternoon Tea & Cafe资助场地的支持下,熊爸有幸请到了爱我微笑口腔医院的Dr. Chen医生,为大家带来了内容丰富的讲座。

陈医师毕业于多伦多大学,曾为安省Sunnybrook医院医师。 拥有17年执业经验,技术优越,经验扎实丰富。

过去的讲座总结看这里:http://bbbear.ca/thread-2036-1-1.html ,讲座在去年讲座的基础上,增加了许多新内容,比如当宝宝牙齿遇到意外的情况下,该如何处理等。

通过Dr. Chen授权,下面放上一些新内容的幻灯片,给没有去的妈妈们补充知识。





Dental decay is # 1 disease for children  

· Decay formation= Bacteria Feed on Any Sugar in the mouth, converting it into acid, and the acid dissolves tooth structure causing “cavities”.

· Avoid allowing Baby fall asleep drinking milk (Milk has sugar in it as well)

· Eating healthy is the key – Avoid candies, junk food, pops, juice, dessert

Dental hygiene technique:

· Brushing -- Angle tooth brush at 45 degree, start from the gum line, and give it a little massage and then brush away from the gum line. Avoid horizontal scrubbing which can damage the teeth and gum. Brush for 2 min minimally

· Fluoridated tooth paste help prevent cavities

· Tooth paste amount – no teeth no tooth paste;  1-3 years old paper thin smear;  3+ year old and adult use  a pea size amount (Young child can swallow tooth paste)

· Electric tooth brush is good in general, however only older kids may like it as it does vibrate quite a bit

· Flossing is very important– curve floss into C-shape to wipe teeth one side at a time in each gap. Need to extend below the gum line level.

Xylitol mints can prevent dental decay. Take it frequently even up to 6 times a day

Dental Trauma emergencies:  to prevent – have proper sports equipment and mouth guard protection


(a) Lip laceration/ bleeding-  normal first aid, clean and put pressure to stop bleeding

(b) If tooth is completely knocked out of the mouth : TIME is everything ! the idea is to keep the cells alive on the root surface and go to the dentist for appropriate care immediately!

· Don’t panic

· Find the tooth, pick up by the crown (avoid touching the roots to damage the cells)

· Rinse gently with water to remove dirt ( do not scrub the root!)

· Put tooth back into the socket right away in the mouth

· If do not dare to do so, keep tooth in a bag of milk ( or saline) to preserve the root surface cells

· Go see dentist right away

(c) Bring child to dentist ideally immediately.  The Dentist can do the following:

· Take x-ray to see if there’s any root fracture

· Broken tooth – dentist can restore tooth using filling material

· Shifted tooth/ loose tooth -  stabilize it with wire using neighbouring teeth.

· Root cannel treatment may be needed if nerve is infected as a result.  

· Tooth may be a bit discoloured down the road- which may require cosmetic treatment such as whitening or Veneers

Teeth eruption sequence:

· 6 mo old – lower central incisors erupting

· By 1 yr old – upper and lower front teeth ( 8 teeth)-  time for first dental visit,  subsequent visits every 6 months

· By 2.5 yr old -  all primary teeth has erupted  ( 20 teeth)

· 6-7 yr old -  Brand new First permanent molar on each quadrant in the back +  front teeth started to be replaced by permanent teeth

· 10-11 yr old – back baby molars get replaced by adult premolars   ( another word, primary molars need to serve for many years,  need to treat any decay promptly0

· By 12-13 yr old – all adult teeth present ( 28 teeth)

· 18-25 yrs old – wisdom teeth ( third molar on each quadrant) – many people do not have room for these teeth.

Importance of primary teeth:

· Kids use them for Eating, speech, & smile

· They stay in mouth for over 10 years, any decay need to be treated promptly

· It’s good to have lots of spaces in primary teeth – as permanent teeth in the future need more room

Growth and development:  A lot to do with the Tongue Posture, whole body connection

· TONGUE – is our natural braces! It helps push the palate bigger and wider and develop the dental arches to allow proper teeth alignment.  The correct position for the tongue is for it to sit on top touching the palate all the time. Not touching the teeth.

· Nose Breathing is very important and the healthiest – watch out for kids that’s breathing through mouth ( lips apart, this is not normal)

· Breast feeding is good allowing baby to get more tongue and jaw exercise, and good breathing exercises

· Harder food is good for jaw development --  soft food requires little chewing, thus many time result in narrow dental arches and teeth crowding.

· Environmental factors like allergies make kids breath through mouth,  making the tongue not doing its work. The tongue is not help pushing the palate.

· Mouth breathing – can make the child’s face grow unfavourably longer , and makes the dental arches narrow, thus teeth crowding

· Narrow Dental Arches also limit the breathing space  ( no room for tongue to sit comfortably, thus blocks the airway)--  this can lead to “forward head posture”, thus the kid tend to slouch! Observe the kid’s posture.

· Orthodontic Screening should be done no later than 7 year old – can be done by general dentists  or orthodontists to determine whether some early intervention needed

· Dental arch expansion treatment can be done at age 8-9 or so to help widen dental arches, alleviate crowding, and make up the lag in the dental arch development as a result of the poor tongue posture.  This will help preserve teeth structure and help the child to have good function early, and will make the future orthodontic treatment easier






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