
2016年06月21日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

长春市实验中学国际部加拿大高中第三届毕业典礼 圆满落幕

Changchun Experimental High School International Division 

Sino-Canadian High School 

Graduation Ceremony

2016619日星期日下午, 长春市实验中学国际部加拿大高中在音乐厅成功举办了第三届毕业典礼暨毕业舞会。 我们的典礼得到了领导的大力支持,出席的领导有长春市实验中学苏书记,李雅旻校长,王海刚主任,张敏主任,张于主任,张毛毛主任及国际部全体师生家长。典礼在回顾2016届学生三年历程的温馨视频中拉开了帷幕。

视频过后四位毕业典礼的主持人隆重登场,他们脸上洋溢着自信的笑容,用精炼的语言开场并介绍到场来宾,之后2016届毕业生在聚光灯下穿着帅气优雅的礼服,两两一对,优雅地走过红毯,上台亮相。典礼第二项,由加方校长Chad代表全体教师上台致辞,总结了这一届毕业生的表现,并送上真挚的祝福。典礼第三项播放国际部全体师生对毕业生的祝福,看着老师以及学弟学妹们的祝福,毕业生及家长脸上都露出了会心的笑容。典礼第四项,毕业生代表张诗含同学讲话,她代表全体高三学生表达了对母校的感恩,留恋以及对其他同学的祝福。 典礼第五项,高二学生诗朗诵,表达高二同学对学长的祝福。 典礼第六项,教师给毕业生授予勋章,同时毕业生给学校领导及老师们献礼,感恩母校及老师的培养。之后杨曼笛家长及优秀毕业生代表孙予讲话,他们都表达了对学校及老师们的感激之情。 典礼第七项,长春市实验中学苏书记上台致辞,代表学校表达对毕业生的祝福以及殷切希望。典礼第八项,全体毕业生上台领取毕业证并且将写下心愿的彩纸装进许愿瓶,愿十年之后回母校见证梦想成真。 最后全体毕业生为父母献上玫瑰花,感谢父母的养育之恩,家长们纷纷落下感动的泪水。

短暂的换装之后,毕业舞会在Nico老师青春洋溢的歌声中热辣开启。 之后高一,高三学生的歌曲,小品,小提琴及吉他演奏都赢得了观众的阵阵掌声。 最后舞会伴随着悠扬的《友谊地久天长》圆满落幕。 祝福优秀的毕业生们可以在新的环境里学习进步,一切顺利!

Changchun Experimental High School International Division Sino-Canadian High School the Graduation Ceremony was Held Successfully

Changchun Experimental High School Sino-Canadian High School held the graduation ceremony in the music auditorium successfully at 4:00 p.m. June 19th, 2016. The ceremony was supported by the leaders of our school. The attendees were secretary Su, Principle Li, Director Zhangmin, Director Zhangyu, Director Zhangmaomao and all the students and parents of the International Division. The ceremony was opened with the broadcasting of the video about the school life of the graduates.

After the video, the four hosts appeared ceremoniously. They introduced the leaders and guests firstly. Then the first step was about walking on the red carpet. All the graduates dressed up and two together walked elegantly and stood on the stage. Secondly, Principle Chad gave a speech about his blessings. The third step was about broadcasting the video of the teachers and students. And then Isabella as the representative of the students showed her gratitude to school and teachers and blessings to other graduates. The fifth step was a poem read by the students of G11 to show their blessings to the graduates. And then the teachers awarded the medals to the graduates and the representatives of the graduates gave flowers to the teachers. Seventhly, Secretary Su gave a speech to show her blessings and hopes to the graduates. Afterwards, all the graduates got their graduate certificates and put their wishing cards into the wishing bottle. The last step, all the graduates gave flowers to their parents and took photographs together.

After changing clothes, the prom started with Nico’s passionate song. All the audiences enjoyed the programs very much. May all the graduates can improve in the future and good luck to them. 









毕业,就像一个大大的句号,从此,我们告别了一段纯真的青春,一段年少轻狂的岁月,一个充满幻想的时代…… 而毕业前的这些日子,时间过的好像流沙,看起来漫长,却无时无刻不在逝去;想挽留,一伸手,有限的时光却在指间悄然溜走。毕业季,青春不散场。。。

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