乐视在全球的品牌地位不断提高,推特粉丝超过12万的科技新闻网The Drum专文列出将会家喻户晓的中国品牌,率先点名乐视,指乐视生态发展势不可挡,知名度将于明年齐名苹果、三星、亚马逊等知名企业。今年一月,乐视全生态亮相拉斯维加斯消费电子展(CES);乐视2Future发布会刚刚在印度成功举办。文章称乐视表现亮眼,惊艳全球。The Drum对乐视致力于成为世界最大内容生态系统的愿景给予极高评价,还对苹果,Netflix等美国知名品牌喊声:"乐视来了,注意咯!"
Technology news site The Drum listed LeEco as one of five Chinese brands that will be household names next year. Impressed by LeEco's rapidly grwoth and vision, The Drum predicts that LeEco will be as familiar to US consumersas Apple TV, Amazon andSamsung next year.
In addition, The drum reports that LeEco have made a big splash with strong showing at the CES in Vegas, as well as the India Launch event. The article also praises the vision of Le Ecosystem. The Drum says: “Dear Netflix and Apple, watch out!"
乐视是全球领先的互联网生态公司,以颠覆性的商业模式进军美国,在美复制乐视独有的 “平台 + 内容 + 终端 + 应用 ”的生态模式,为美国乐迷带来极致体验。硅谷乃至全美科技产业和媒体,已将乐视视为指标性品牌,密切关注乐视最新动态。乐视美国微信每日为您精选全球媒体报导,看看乐视的创新对各国媒体有多大的吸引力!