美商会(重庆)将于6月25日周六在JW万豪酒店隆重举行“美国独立日慈善庆典”。这是美商会一年一度最盛大的庆典和嘉年华慈善活动!American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China is honored to hold its seventh American Independence Day Celebration in JW Marriott Chongqing on 25th, June, Saturday, 2016.届时美国驻成都总领事馆、美商会会员企业和500强企业高管、知名企业、社会名流和高端外籍人士将会出席。同时,各大媒体,美国驻成都总领事馆官员,重庆市政府领导也将应邀参加。On the occasion, guests from the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu, AmCham members and world top 500 companies elites, celebrities and expats are attending the celebration, with the presence of the renowned media and officials from US consulates and local government.主题Theme夏威夷风情 Along Aloha炎炎夏日,燃起了夏威夷的热情,嘉宾们欢聚于此,跟随着草裙舞的节拍,和着独立日宣言,在这个非凡的日子,视觉与听觉将充盈着来自异域夏威夷的魅力!There is nothing more delightful than a Hawaiian summer. Join us for a celebration on this extrodinary Independance Day with a touch of Hawaiian culture - music, dancing and food.亮点 Highlight1. 美商会会员企业欧林德将在展区提供机器人与儿童的互动环节AmCham member Onlead is providing advanced robots entertainment for children.2. 欧林德丁丁木语儿童创意家居致力于打造精致亲子互动体验空间 Onlead Dingding Muyu Children Creation Pavillion is expert in making extraordinary family entertainment.3. 现场乐队表演 Live band performance4. 重庆瓜藤少儿艺术中心芭蕾舞表演Ballet show presented by Ivy Child Art5. 美商会重庆办公室团队现场草裙舞表演Performance presented by AmCham Chongqing Office6. 特色幸运奖:由美商会会员企业长荣/立荣航空提供的重庆-北美航线经济舱往返机票一张The special lucky draw: A round-trip economy class flight ticket to North America from Chongqing by AmCham member Eva Airways. 7. 小丑表演(NEW!!)Clown Show8. 萌宠秀 (NEW!!!)Cute Pets Show9. 全国国际5星级酒店餐券、房券 Buffet and room vounchers sponsored by International 5-Star hotels in China.10. 美商会会员重庆JW万豪酒店提供的夏威夷风情自助晚餐 Hawaii Style Buffet provided by AmCham Member JW Marriott Chongqing. 11. 幸运大抽奖Lucky Draw加入我们吧!一起欢庆这不同寻常的美国独立日!Come and join our party to celebrate the American Independence Day!活动详情 General Information 日期: 2016年6月25日星期六 Date: June 25th, 2016, Saturday 时间: 17:30-20:30(签到17:30开始)Time:17:30-20:30(Registration from 17:30) 地点: 重庆JW万豪酒店大宴会厅,五楼Venue: JW Marriott Chongqing Grand Ballroom,5F 着装:夏威夷风格Dress Code: Hawaii Style 规模: 300人以上Scale: Above 300 Attendances 出席嘉宾: 美商会会员企业及500强企业CEO、外企高管、外籍商务人士及其家属、各国驻渝领馆官员、本地知名企业家等Participants: CEOs, senior managers from Fortune 500 companies and AmCham members, Consulate officers in Chongqing, entrepreneurs from famous local companies in Chongqing and their families and so forth 形式:美商会会员重庆JW万豪酒店提供的夏威夷风情自助晚餐Style:Hawaii Style Buffet provided by by AmCham Member JW Marriott Chongqing. 购票详情Ticket Booking 会员 Memebers: RMB 180 非会员 Non-members: RMB 230(Children under 12 free 12岁以下儿童免费票) 门票有限,现场购票不能保证!At-the-door Tickets are NOT GUARANTEED!方式一: 长按二维码进行报名及购票Way One: Long press the QR code to sign up and book tickets 方式二: 请点击页面左下角“阅读原文”进行报名及购票Way Two: Click "Read more" to sign up and book tickets详情请咨询SummerFor more info, please contact SummerTel:+86 23 6776 7738Email: [email protected] 特别鸣谢下列赞助商对本次活动的大力支持!We appreciate in-deed our sponsors for their great support. 冠名赞助商 Title Sponsor大都会人寿重庆分公司 Metlife Chongqing 特别赞助 Special Sponsor北京复华资产管理有限公司重庆分公司 Beijing Forise Assets Management Co., Ltd. Chongqing Branch 铂金赞助 Platinum Sponsor德国大众汽车租赁(北京)重庆分公司Volkswagen Leasing (Beijing) CQ Branch重庆德普外国语学校Chongqing Depu Foreign Language School 黄金赞助商 Gold Sponsor中豪律师事务所 Zhonghao Law Firm联合利华饮食策划Unilever Food Solutions重庆诺林巴蜀外籍人士子女学校KL International School of Chongqing Bashu-KLISCB凯迪拉克重庆首家授权经销商-广汇重庆美凯4s旗舰店Cadillac- Chongqing Meikai Guanghui 4S Flagship Store丁丁木语儿童创意家居Dingding Children Creative Home Design 奖品、餐饮及媒体支持 Prizes, F&B and Performance Suppliers长荣航空/立荣航空Eva Air/Uni Air 北京复华资产管理有限公司重庆分公司Beijing Forise Assets Management Co., Ltd. Chongqing Branch 渣打银行 Standard Chartered Bank重庆J.W.万豪酒店 J.W. Marriott Chongqing 重庆喜来登大酒店Sheraton Chongqing 重庆富力凯悦酒店Hyatt Regency Chongqing 重庆丽笙世嘉酒店Radisson Blu Plaza Chongqing重庆万豪酒店Marriott Chongqing Hotel恒有源科技有限公司Heuvan Sci-Tech Development Co., 瓜藤少儿艺术中心Ivy Child Art 可口可乐Coca-Cola 歌诗图酒业Guest Wine卓尔中文Your Mandarin 重庆外籍人士生活指南Chongqing Expat Guide悦会YHOUSE 元色秀场餐厅Y2Space