美商会(重庆)携手欧林德成功举办了 “六•一”儿童节主题“建筑搭建亲子游戏汇”活动。AmCham (CQ) together with Onlead held Children’s Day Theme Activity “Parent-Child Game of Construction”, and this event has ended successfully.主办单位:中国西南美国商会重庆市欧林德家具有限公司重庆大学MBA校友会亲子俱乐部MOLL 儿童创意家居馆 Presented by :American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest ChinaChongqing Onlead FurnitureFamily Club of Chongqing University MBA Alumni AssociationMOLL Children Creation Pavillion6月是儿童最欢乐的时间,本次活动邀约到了许多圈层家庭,父母陪伴孩子进行了建筑模型的搭建,观察了解孩子眼中最美的建筑、欣赏孩子灵巧的小手快乐搭建,介绍讲解了建筑的故事给孩子听,全家人一起品尝了精致餐点、绘出了欢乐心情。这个活动建立了亲子互动平台,家长们感受到了别开生面的教育交流,本次活动促进了家长对孩子的了解,增进了家长与孩子的亲密沟通。June is the happiest time for children. This activity has gathered a lot targeted families, allowing parents to teach the children about architecture by playing the construction games with them and to widen children’s horizon about what good buildings should be like, which provided a great chance for parents to have an impressive communication with children and enhanced the bond with them.孩子天生爱玩的特性并不受语言、文化或者性别的影响,在游戏中获得快乐,增长知识,这应该是他们在适龄阶段获得的极其重要的技能训练。Children naturally love playing,which is not affected by language,culture,or gender. Acquiring happiness in the game and increasing their knowledge are extremely important skills training during their age.学习桌椅、益智积木、涂鸦墙漆、机器人......家长和孩子们对玲琅满目的新奇家居和玩具产生了浓厚的兴趣,享受着共同合作的美好家庭时光。Studying desk and chair, educational building blocks, graffiti wall paint, robots... Parents and children were excited to see every new stuff and developed an interest in toys. Enjoying the beautiful family time when they were spending together. 欧林德“六•一”儿童节主题“建筑搭建亲子游戏汇”活动取得圆满成功!Onlead Children’s Day Theme Activity “Parent-ChildGame of Construction” hit a complete success!