【Fox-Art】破旧船里面记忆的钥匙:Chiharu Shiota的装置

2016年11月15日 FOX国际艺术


破旧船里面记忆的钥匙:Chiharu Shiota的装置

A mesmerizing, surreal experience awaits anyone entering the Japan Pavilion at this year’s Venice Art Biennale. In a stunning installation called “The Key in the Hand,” artist Chiharu Shiota has filled a room with webs of red yarn. Suspended from the ceiling, the yarn is tied together so densely that it filters out the lights above. Hanging from the mass are over 50,000 keys collected from people all over the world. Like dark, frozen drops of rain, they appear to spill from the stringy red “clouds” into two weathered boats below, creating a dual sense of breathtaking movement and suspended time.

Despite their seemingly simple utility, keys are intimate objects that we all carry to keep ourselves—and the things we love—safe. Invested with our deep trust and passed between hands over time, keys symbolically bind us together. The Curator’s Statement for “The Key in the Hand” eloquently describes this further:

In our daily lives, keys protect valuable things like our houses, assets, and personal safety, and we use them while embracing them in the warmth of our hands. By coming into contact with people’s warmth on a daily basis, the keys accumulate countless, multilayered memories that dwell within us. Then at a certain point we entrust the keys, packed with memories, to others who we trust to look after the things that are important to us. (Source)

The keys represent a collection of human feelings, while the yarn visualizes their immaterial connections across time and space. Furthermore, while far removed from their international owners and original purposes, the keys also embody emotions and memories on a transcultural, transnational scale, as they are webbed together without perceptible distinctions of race, class, gender, or nation. As all the keys fall perpetually into the same ancient boats (which are described as “two hands catching a rain of memories”), Shiota’s installation beautifully visualizes a global form of connection spanning borders and generations. (Source). As the Curator’s Statement movingly concludes:

I look forward to watching as The Key in the Hand, an installation that forges a link between a space made up of keys, yarn, and two boats, and photographs and videos of children, transcends national, cultural, linguistic, and political contexts, and emotionally arouses countless visitors from all over the world. (Source)

Born in Japan, Shiota has been based in Berlin for the last two decades. Visit her website to see more fascinating large-scale installations. 





Fox Internaitonal Art Education




Fox数年来培养出百名成功案例,100%录取,陆续进入伦敦艺术大学以及其它欧美艺术设计院校深造。工作室的艺术设计导师,无论是自身背景还是专业能力都是业界首屈一指,与众多知名品牌、著名博物馆合作过:大英博物馆、V&A博物馆、德国国立宝石博物馆、Cartier、Alexander McQueen、 Gareth Pugh、 John Galliano、Dior、Coco Chanel、Alexander Wang、Tiffany&Co、 Van Cleef&Arpels、Swarovski、Vivienne Westwood、Giles Deacon等。



1 未来主义TOP院校VIP名校直通作品集课程 (保过制)

2 自由主义不限课时制作品集课程(非保过制)

3 解构主义周末小班作品集课程(暑期开学后的每周日)

4 超现实主义寒暑期作品集课程





纯艺术 Fine Art

插画 Illustration

平面设计 Graphic Design

女装设计 Fashion Design Technology: Womenswear

男装设计 Fashion Design Technology: Menswear

面料设计 Fashion Textiles

室内设计 Interior Design

产品设计 Product Design

珠宝设计 Jewellery Design

时尚包类&配饰设计 Fashion Bags & Accessories Design

建筑设计 Architectural Design

陶瓷设计 Ceramic Design

鞋履设计 Footwear

摄影 Photography

景观设计 Landscape Design

动画设计 Animation Design

交互设计 Interactive design


表演设计 Performance Design And Practice

时尚管理 Fashion Management

时尚买手 Fashion Buying

奢侈品管理 Luxury Management



  • 唯一一家导师创造了短时间跨学科辅导并被伦艺等名校本科、硕士研究生录取的记录

  • 保持转专业学员录取最多的记录

  • 连年保持伦敦艺术大学等顶级名校全国录取率第一的优异记录

  • 工作室保持拥有最多海外顶尖学院优秀导师的记录

  • 中国唯一一家最具艺术气息的设计工作室。氛围的建设,不同于其它机械化的机构,学员可以通过艺术设计陈列展示区域,直接的看到海内外设计师、艺术家和学员的优秀创意作品

  • 100%了解并掌握名校作品集申请要求,面试考官评判标准,作品集的呈现和表达方式

  • 100%的录取率,学员成功获得欧美等海外艺术院校的录取

  • 学员的艺术设计作品均有机会得到免费的公共展出,并有商业合作的机会

  • 工作室结合名校风格理念,作品评判方式,独自创造研发了极富创意的教学内容,通过不同形式的理念挖掘学生的潜力和天赋,从抽象到实现,对学员的作品进行细致的分析和指导,保证作品的创造力和思想

  • 采用西方个性化教学模式,中英文授课,提前适应西方的教学环境

  • 师资力量多元化,包括中央圣马丁等名校的优秀设计师,资深外籍导师,著名艺术家等

  • 工作室内设有独特的材料墙,灵感墙以及艺术设计书架,随时激发学员灵感

  • 阶段性的邀请中央圣马丁等名校校友,设计师或艺术家开展讲座、公开课、分享艺术设计学习趣事、作品和行业发展趋势


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基地2 SOHO尚都西塔3楼1336




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