3、因为内容庞杂,所以这份书单第一眼看上去是“乱七八糟”的。但它有很重要的参考价值:其一,里面的不少书是广受好评的经典教科书、入门书,想迅速了解某一具体领域,可以顺藤摸瓜。其二,书的质量确实没得说,里面的书凡是我读过的,我基本都会隆重推荐:论自由、理解媒介、媒体垄断、新闻的十大基本原则、公众舆论、论摄影、新闻报道与写作、娱乐至死……榜单以丹尼尔.C·哈林关于越战与媒体的著作《The "Uncensored War": The Media and Vietnam》收尾,堪称豹尾啦。
排名 | 书目 |
1 | The Elements of Style 风格的要素 Strunk, William, 1869-1946 |
2 | The Art of Public Speaking 演讲的艺术 Lucas, Stephen |
3 | Rhetoric 修辞学 Aristotle |
4 | Communicate Verderber, Rudolph F. |
5 | Mass Media Law Pember, Don R., 1939 |
6 | Public Speaking : Strategies for Success Zarefsky, David |
7 | The Rhetorical Situation Bitzer, Lloyd F. |
8 | Writing and Reporting News : A Coaching Method Rich, Carole |
9 | Understanding Media 理解媒介 McLuhan, Marshall, 1911-1980 |
10 | The Culture Industry Adorno, T. W., Cook, Rafael Cinéaste |
11 | C++ Programming : From Problem Analysis to Program Design Malik, D. S. |
12 | Being Digital 数字化生存 Negroponte, Nicholas |
13 | Gorgias 高尔吉亚篇 Plato |
14 | The Media Monopoly 媒体垄断 Bagdikian, Ben H. |
15 | Phaedrus 斐德罗篇 Plato |
16 | Amusing Ourselves to Death 娱乐至死 Postman, Neil |
17 | Video Basics 4 Zettl, Herbert |
18 | A Pocket Style Manual Hacker, Diana, 1942-2004 |
19 | Everyday Talk : Building and Reflecting Identities Tracy, Karen |
20 | I Have a Dream 我有一个梦想 King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 |
21 | Type & Image : The Language of Graphic Design Meggs, Philip B. |
22 | Understanding Media : The Extensions of Man 理解媒介;论人的延伸 McLuhan, Marshall, 1911-1980 和第9项是同一本 |
23 | Theories of Human Communication 人类传播理论 Littlejohn, Stephen W. |
24 | Computer Networks 计算机网络 Tanenbaum, Andrew S., 1944 |
25 | Communicative Behavior and Conflict Between African-American Customers and Korean Immigrant Retailers in Los Angeles Bailey, Benjamin |
26 | Self-Help Foster, Norm, 1949 |
27 | Broadcast News and Writing Stylebook Papper, Robert A., 1947- Author |
28 | Television Production Handbook Zettl, Herbert |
29 | Public Opinion 公众舆论 Lippmann, Walter, 1889-1974 |
30 | Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques Wilcox, Dennis L. |
31 | On Photography 论摄影 Sontag, Susan, 1933-2004 |
32 | The German Ideology 德意志意识形态 Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 |
33 | Ways of Seeing 观看之道 Berger, John |
34 | Cybernetics 控制论 Wiener, Norbert |
35 | Data Communications, Computer Networks, and Open Systems Halsall, Fred |
36 | Power Without Responsibility : The Press and Broadcasting in Britain Curran, James |
37 | The Elements of Journalism : What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect 新闻的十大基本原则 Kovach, Bill |
38 | Writing for Journalists Hicks, Wynford, 1942 |
39 | Mythologies 神话:大众文化诠释 Barthes, Roland |
40 | The Universal Journalist 全球新闻记者 Randall, David, 1951 April 10 |
41 | Media Literacy 媒介素养 Potter, W. James |
42 | Practices of Looking : An Introduction to Visual Culture 观看的实践 Sturken, Marita, 1957 |
43 | Is There Any Ketchup, Vera?': Gender, Power and Pragmatics Cameron, Deborah |
44 | UNIX Network Programming Stevens, W. Richard |
45 | C : How to Program Deitel, Harvey M., 1945 |
46 | Neuromancer 神经漫游者 Gibson, William, 1948 |
47 | Writing for Television and Radio Hilliard, Robert L., 1925 |
48 | Silent Spring 寂静的春天 Carson, Rachel, 1907-1964 |
49 | Film Art : An Introduction Bordwell, David |
50 | Rhetoric Whately, Richard, 1787-1863 |
51 | Technologies of Freedom Pool, Ithiel De Sola, 1917 |
52 | Henry V 亨利五世 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 |
53 | The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 科学革命的结构 Kuhn, Thomas S. |
54 | Brave New World 美丽新世界 Huxley, Aldous, 1894-1963 |
55 | The Dynamics of Persuasion Perloff, Richard M. |
56 | Power Without Responsibility : The Press, Broadcasting and the Internet in Britain Curran, James 和第36项是同一本 |
57 | Flat Earth News : An Award-Winning Reporter Exposes Falsehood, Distortion and Propaganda in the Global Media Davies, Nicholas |
58 | Power Foucault, Michel, 1926-1984 |
59 | Public Relations Cases Hendrix, Jerry A. |
60 | We the Media : Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People Gillmor, Dan |
61 | The Press and America 美国新闻史 Emery, Edwin |
62 | Hamlet 哈姆雷特 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 |
63 | A Short History of the Movies Mast, Gerald, 1940 |
64 | Advertising and Promotion : An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective Belch, George E. (George Edward), 1951 |
65 | Freedom of Speech in the United States Tedford, Thomas L. |
66 | Interviewing for Journalists Adams, Sally, 1933 |
67 | Historical Methods in Mass Communication Startt, James D., 1932 |
68 | Designing Web Usability Nielsen, Jakob, 1957 |
69 | Wireless Communications Goldsmith, Andrea, 1964 |
70 | News Reporting and Writing 新闻报道与写作 Mencher, Melvin |
71 | The Practice of Social Research 社会研究方法 Babbie, Earl R. |
72 | Writing Feature Articles Hennessy, Brendan |
73 | On Liberty 论自由 Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 |
74 | Some Sources of Cultural Variability in the Regulation of Talk Philips, Susan Urmston |
75 | Wireless Communications : Principles and Practice Rappaport, Theodore S., 1960 |
76 | Introduction to Communication Research Reinard, John C. |
77 | A Rhetoric of Motives Burke, Kenneth, 1897-1993 |
78 | Rhetoric in Popular Culture Brummett, Barry, 1951 |
79 | Public Relations Bernays, Edward L., 1891-1995 |
80 | Journalism Online Ward, Mike |
81 | A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations Turabian, Kate L. |
82 | The Non-Designer's Design Book 写给大家看的设计书 Williams, Robin, 1953 |
83 | Life on the Screen : Identity in the Age of the Internet Turkle, Sherry |
84 | The Road Ahead Gates, Bill, 1955 |
85 | Mediamorphosis : Understanding New Media 媒介形态变化 Fidler, Roger F. |
86 | Walden 瓦尔登湖 Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862 |
87 | Gender and Discourse Tannen, Deborah |
88 | The Content Analysis Guidebook Neuendorf, Kimberly A. |
89 | Great Expectations 远大前程 Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 |
90 | Principles of Marketing Kotler, Philip |
91 | Letter From the Birmingham Jail King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968 |
92 | Screenplay : The Foundations of Screenwriting 电影剧本写作基础 Field, Syd |
93 | Orator Cicero, Marcus Tullius |
94 | Out of Order Patterson, Thomas E. |
95 | Othello 奥赛罗 Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 |
96 | Mrs. Dalloway 达洛卫夫人 Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941 |
97 | Contemporary Advertising 当代广告学 Arens, William F. |
98 | Media Research Techniques Berger, Arthur Asa, 1933 |
99 | Hair, Hair Long, Debbie |
100 | The "Uncensored War" : The Media and Vietnam Hallin, Daniel C. |