
2016年12月05日 阿德莱德bbs


 You opened this post. ..

I know you must have got another band 6.

The story below will help you figure out what is wrong with your writing :D

There are 2 kids,

let's see what made them different

At the beignning of their preparation

Wooooo… F* a lot of questions !  

Where to start ?

Should I memorize all example essays ?

I feel so  overwhelmed !

Structures first, then phrases and ideas.

Just  need to use ideas to fill in the blank.

Great. I am very confident.

After 2 weeks, you practiced 1 essay

I have memorized lots of examples,

why did I still get 6 ?

Have no F* idea what is wrong.

Keep practicing.

Band 6. I am ok with this.

I know how to improve :D

Look at my evaluation sheet :D ,

I need to improve grammar and lexical.

After 4 weeks, you are trying to improve


After  6 weeks,

all of you are exhausted, want to give up

I have finals, part-time job,

feel so stressed out,

Let me take a break !

Deadline is coming, I feel pressured.

Let's talk with my teacher  for some motivation

So, what take you from  band 6 to 7 ?

Is it " hard-work" ?

Yes, you study 10 hours / day,

but did you really work on the essentials ?

Do you really know what is wrong with your essays ?

Is it grammar ? phrases ? or vocabulary ?

What is your study plan ?

Yes, you registered another test,

then another one..

but how many of you are confiden that you can get a band 7 next time ?

When you want to give up,

who do you go for ?

Do you ask for help or figure out yourself?

So, what take you from  band 6 to 7 ?

1. a set of effective  method

2. constant reflection and adjust

3.You have someone to reply on

when you want to give up

Can you do this alone ?

if you can, why you are still stuck ?


So,let me help you

I am Lynn, I am the future version of you.

IELTS fucked me a loooot !

2014,before coming to Australia to study,

I took the F* test sooo many times

Everytime, band 6

 2012 年5月10日:写作6分




Eventually, I found the trick.

got a band 7 in only 16 Days

Then, I  said " fuck off" to those who told me it is impossible to get a band 7 in 3 weeks.

Do not give a F* of those who said you cannot do sth. They are shits.

That is why they want you be like them ! Results show everything !

Now, you know why I want to help you :D

I just cannot see you going through my pain again ! The pain not only from the score,

but those " You just cannot do that" from friends or family.

Those people .. you know..we all have 1 or 2 ..

So I created kissielts.com after I graduated from Master of Teaching, Melbuorne university, to help more.

I created one free course, then another one..

Now you can find 3 free courses on my website: kissielts.com


2.11 Tiny lessons, 每天邮件课程,每天5分钟,击败拖延症


My bullshit version bio

Master of Teaching,Melbourne University



中国唯一Certified Tiny Habits Coach,利用行为学,帮你改掉拖延症

Tinyhabits,是斯坦福大学教授BJ -Fogg 创办的最有效的行为改变体系

I am sharing this post here coz we are in the same crew, we worked F* hard at uni to graduate, to find a good job. We have to do multiple jobs while working while preparing for IELTS !! Then those "friends"  in Mainland China would say " 你都出国这么久,雅思还没过? 怎么可能?“  

你们TM知道我们过得是什么生活? 怎么毕业的!



So,I really hope that this FREE course can help you

reduce some stress,

save some time :D




你可以直接到kissielts.com 注册收看课程




帮你形成 Tiny habits, take actions


My wechat for Q&A :D


我是如何16天获得写作7分 ABC+Recipe 方法讲解




1. 理解abc+recipe 的方法,视频概要

2. 学习如何审题

3. 应用idea map 想出分论点

4. 40组abc词组的视频解释!很重要





Whenever you want to give up 

Always remember you are not alone 

My wechat for Q&A :D







合作:[email protected]

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