
2016年11月24日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

秉承张主任的细致化教育理念,每个年级定期举行总结反思大会,2016年11月23日星期三长春市实验中学国际部十年级举行了第一次年级大会,参加人员有Selene, Angie, Tiffany, Jennifer, Laura, Dylan, Wendy 以及十年级的所有学生。本次大会主题关于学生的学习问题和德育方面进行了总结。

On November 23th, 2016(Wednesday), the international department of Changchun City Experimental High School hold the first assembly of Grade 10, the participants include: Selene, Angie, Tiffany, Jennifer, Laura, Dylan, Wendy and all of the students from Grade 10. The main theme of this assembly is about the summary of the student’s learning problem and the education of morality.

主持人Kathy 和 Matthew进行开场,第一项是Angie老师对单词情况进行说明,开学以来,每天早读学习日常词汇及周检测,进行了12次考试,两次百词大赛,在每天的日积月累中,我们增加了五百多个词汇;接下来对单词优秀的学生进行表彰。第一次百词竞赛卓越奖(Outstanding Awards of First Vocabulary Contest )张凯雯 Kathy 王近庸Eden 苏秦业Martin 韩一赫Astrid 刘健怡Rina 李思锦Alice;第二次百词竞赛卓越奖(Outstanding Awards of Second Vocabulary Contest)张凯雯,韩一赫,李佳龙,刘健怡,张铎译; 接下来就是对连续十次单词优秀的韩一赫和冯翼萌同学颁发奖状和奖学金。

The host Kathy and Matthew started the assembly. Firstly, Mrs. Angie introduced the vocabulary quiz. From the beginning of this term, we had 12 quizzes in total, and include two “a hundred-words tests”. From every day studying, students mastered over 500 words. Now, it was time to commending the students who had excellent results in the past tests. Outstanding Awards of First Vocabulary Contest: Kathy, Eden, Martin, Astrid, Rina and Alice. Then it was Outstanding Awards of Second Vocabulary Contest: Kathy, Astrid, James, Rina and Ezreal. In addition, we provided the certificates of merit and scholarship for those students Astrid Han and Rachel Feng. who got 10times good grades continuously. Astrid Han and Rachel Feng.




大会第二项,是Selene 进行年级总结,在三个月中高一年级共进行了12次大活动,建立了高一年级学习系统逐步的学习督导,提出了对于寝室卫生和读书笔记,观影笔记以及书法本存在的不足和问题。我们为什么学习,为什么上学两个问题引出希望同学们能够秉承国际部张主任的理念做一个有贵族精神的国际人才,具有:根植于内心的修养;无需提醒的自觉;以约束为前提的自由;为别人着想的善良

Secondly, we got the summary from Selene. He described and analyses the situation of previous activities, studying and counselor and etc. He wished that students can maintain this kind of conditions in the following 35days. And he pointed out that the problem or deficiency on dorm’s sanitation, reading notes, watching notes and calligraphy notes. Finally, he came up with two questions, with answers. First one is why we need studying? Second one is why we need to go to school? His answers indicated what we study for.


Thirdly,we invited our English teacher Dylan to share the experience about how to improve our oral English ,and hoped we can improve by hard working!


  Through the summary of previous work and the plan of future days, all of the students cleared direction of their aims.   



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