Omega-3: 你从何处而来?

2016年11月22日 新西兰好健康

If you’re a regular reader of our blogs, we’re sure you have noticed how encouraging we are around including essential Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to benefit your overall health.


While you might feel well versed in the area, your Omega-3 levels really are one of the most essential nutrients to prioritise – for the many benefits, but also because most people have no idea how much they’re getting. Read on to understand why Omega-3 is so important and how you can get a better insight into how you’re tracking.


Why Omega-3 is the Good Fat


Omega-3 fatty acids are important in achieving optimal health for you and your family. Referred to as essential fats, or the “good” types of fat, we know we should be enjoying as many Omega-3 rich meals as possible – especially as the human body doesn’t produce any on its own.


These tasty fatty acids support your heart health by keeping your heartbeat regular and your blood pressure normal. Omega-3 also normalises and regulates unhealthy cholesterol triglyceride levels, which is a blood fat linked to heart disease. If a happy and healthy heart isn’t enough, these fatty acids are also good for osteoarthritis, inflammatory conditions and autoimmune disorders.


Your child’s learning and behaviour could be impacted positively from an Omega-3 rich diet as well. Omega-3 oils help maintain healthy dopamine levels, increase nerve cell growth and even improve cerebral circulation in the brain – meaning your child’s brain is properly nurtured and supported to run at full capacity. Research has also found that children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) or learning disabilities are more likely to have low Omega-3 levels. All the more reason tomake sure you’re keeping intake high.


Where can you find Omega-3?


If you’re really wanting to pump up your Omega-3 levels, oily fish is your best option, especially fresh salmon and small fish like sardines and anchovies –however, any seafood is generally a great choice, so add to your shopping list when you can. These animal-based choices, while primarily oily fish, containthe EPA and DHA varieties of Omega-3, which have more potent health benefits overall. As a vital requirement for how our bodies function, especially in the brain and eyes, we’re best to include high levels of these EPA and DHA Omega-3 varieties to ensure we’re making the most of our intake.

如果您想增加Omega-3的摄取量,鱼油是最佳选择,尤其是新鲜的三文鱼,沙丁鱼和鳀鱼-或者说海鲜类食物都含有它,所以往您的菜篮子里添放这些食物是多多益善。这些来源于鱼类动物类的不饱和脂肪酸,尤其是鱼油,含有EPA(二十碳五烯酸)DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)的Omega-3,对人体健康有着主要的益处。作为我们身体机能所需的重要的元素,特别是脑部和眼部,我们必须确保饮食中的EPADHA Omega-3足够的摄取量。

Alternatively, especially for our vegetarian and vegan diets, flaxseed, chia and hemp oils are also great sources. They have Omega-3 containing ALA, which your body then converts into EPA and DHA. While your body can’t convert all plant-based ALA to EPA and DHA,(meaning the beneficial impact isn’t as strong), including these ALA Omega-3s in your diet will still help you boost your levels overall. You can also opt for avocado, nuts, dark green veggies and beans – all of these are loaded withALAs to help increase your intake and claim the benefits.

除此之外,在蔬菜和素食中,亚麻籽、起亚籽和大麻籽也是不错的Omega-3来源。它们含有ALA(ALAα亚麻酸),可在我们体内转化为EPADHA。尽管我们身体并不能把所有的ALA都转化为EPADHA(有好处但不够充足),但是多食用这些含有ALA Omega-3的食物还是有助于我们的健康。您还可以选择食用牛油果,坚果,深绿色蔬菜和豆类,这些食物也都含有大量的 ALA

If you’re not a fan of eating fish, you could try Good Health Red Super Krill. This will help to boost EPA and DHA Omega-3s and is a great choice to help bridge the gap between what you’re getting in your diet and what your body could do with thanks to the highly-absorbable phospholipid form of Omega-3.

如果您对海鲜不是那么的感兴趣的话,为什么不试一试好健康的红色超级磷虾油,它是Omega3中高度吸收性磷脂的产品,可以帮助我们补充在饮食中无法摄取身体所需的足够量的 EPA DHA Omega-3


A Balancing Act: Omega-3 vs Omega-6

如何保持Omega-3 Omega-6的平衡

Like with most things, moderation is key for your overall wellbeing and health. This is the same with Omega-3 and Omega-6. Today’s diet contains far more Omega-6 fats and very low Omega-3 levels.


Omega-6 is primarily sourced from corn, soy, canola, safflower, and sunflower oils. These are over abundant in the typical modern diet, which explains the excess most of us have in our Omega-6 levels.


Many scientists believe Omega-3-Omega-6 imbalance is a key link to the high incidence of many conditions we see today, such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, premature aging, inflammatory diseases and some cancer forms. Cover your bases and include a daily supplement of Omega-3 to help even things out.



Are you getting enough?


Most people not only need more Omega-3, but they also have no idea they do. The more understanding you have of your personal Omega-3 index, the better your family’s health and wellbeing will be because of it. We’ve created an Omega-3 Destination Zone to guide you on ways to optimise your Omega-3 levels –including more on why you should have a better insight into how you’re tracking and simple Omega-3 tests available to do so.


These Omega-3 fatty acids are important for all systems of your body to function at their best, including your skin, heart, brain and organs. Whether it’s serving more fresh fish, or taking a daily supplement, you can’t go wrong with a generous helping of Omega-3.



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