【北京美国中心活动】了解精神疾病:关于抑郁症和焦虑的原因、症状和治疗方案的讲座。07月24 日,周一,晚 6:30

2017年07月18日 美国驻华大使馆

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在当今世界的几乎每一种文化中,精神疾病一般都没能被很好地理解,并导致精神疾病患者的社会孤立和歧视。 两种最常见的精神疾病是抑郁和焦虑 。 据估计, 每三个美国人中就有一个人一生中至少有过一次严重的抑郁 症,而中国人甚至更高。


本讲座的嘉宾是美国律师和法医专家 Jacqueline Davis , J.D. , M.A. 硕士。

10 岁以下儿童谢绝参加。

This program will be conducted in English.

In almost every culture in the world today, mental illness is generally not well understood and results in social isolation and stigmatization of the individual suffering with the disorder. Two of the most common forms of mental illness are depression and anxiety and it is estimated that one in three Americans suffers from severe depression at least once in their life, and the estimates for Chinese citizens are even higher.

Come join us at the Beijing American Center for a talk that will help us better understand what “mental illness” actually is and in particular, what depression and anxiety are.  Working from the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, we will look at the causes of these illnesses, the symptoms, and available treatment options.  Depression and anxiety disorders often occur together and, if left undiagnosed and untreated, can even result in death.  But to know and understand these illnesses is to have hope, and maybe even save a life.

This talk will be given by Jacqueline Davis, J.D., M.A., an American trial lawyer and forensic therapist.

This program is not suitable for children under 10.


NOTE: This event is open to the general public. Audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.

请注意:活动参与者授权美国国务部拍摄和录像他们的形象和 / 或声音。允许美国国务部在公共信息项目和活动中发布、出版、广播或引用这些材料。获得的内容可能会被用于未来的演讲、在互联网上传播、以及通过多种广播渠道和印刷媒体传播。内容(图片、音频或想法)的使用将不会用于商业目的。非常感谢。

Please note that attendees of this event grant permission to the U.S. Department of State to photograph and video record their image and/or voice. Permission is granted for the U.S. Department of State to release, publish, broadcast or quote this material in public information programs and activities. Content procured may be included in future speeches, on the Internet, through multiple broadcast channels and print media.  Use of content (image, audio or ideas) will not be used for commercial purposes. Thank you very much.

* 请记住携带有效身份证件进入北京美国中心。请此活动勿携带大包。 
You must bring a valid photo ID in order to get into our Center. No large bags will be allowed into the Beijing American Center (BAC) for this event.

* 便携式电子设备如手机, iPads 和其他平板电脑,智能手表可以带进北京美国中心的活动,访客请勿携带笔记本电脑。 *While portable electronic devices, such as mobile phones, iPads and other tablets, and smartwatches are permitted, guests may not bring laptop computers to Beijing American Center programs.

For security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone. 

地点: 北京市朝阳区安家楼路 55 号 (美国大使馆东门)。 
Location: No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Gate of the U.S. Embassy). 

交通:地铁 10 号,亮马桥站 B 出口,向东北步行至 天泽路和安家楼路交汇处, 签证处北侧。 
Directions: Metro Line 10, Liangmaqiao Station Exit B, walk northeast to the Tian Ze Road intersection of An Jia Lou Road, north side of the Visas Office.

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