百年历程 全新起航

2017年07月13日 中国银行悉尼分行

百年历程 全新起航





Bank of China, established in 1912, is the only Chinese bank with continuous business operation for more than 100 years and our tier-one capital ranks 4th among the world’s top banks. 

Bank of China Sydney Branch, founded in 1942, is one of the first foreign banks in Australia licensed to provide a full range of banking services, both corporate and retail. Bank of China ranks among the top 10 foreign banks in Australia with regards to asset size, deposits and loan market share.

We are now looking for talented, self-motivated individuals to join our bank.


Sydney Area:

  1. 公司金融部客户经理两名。要求具有五年以上公司金融工作经验,具有当地四大银行工作背景者及客户资源者优先。

    Relationship Manager, Corporate Banking. Minimum 5 years experience in corporate lending.

  2. 金融市场部交易员一名。要求具有五年以上外汇资金交易经验,熟悉当地资金交易市场,有衍生产品经验者优先。

    Foreign Exchange Dealer, Treasury. Minimum 5 years experience in Foreign exchange transaction. Experience in derivative products such as Interest Rate Derivatives is preferred. 

  3. 金融机构部客户经理一名,要求具有五年以上金融机构工作经验,熟悉当地金融市场。

    Relationship Manager, Financial Institutions. Minimum 5 years experience in financial institution or correspondent bank management.

  4. 金融机构部助理客户经理一名,要求具有两年以上银行工作经验,熟悉当地金融市场。

    Assistant Relationship Manager, Financial Institutions. Minimum two years experience in banking industry.

  5. 个人金融部助理经理一名(十四个月合同工)。具有银行卡工作经验者优先。

    Assistant Business Manager, Personal Banking Card Team.(One Year Contract Position)Card or Debit Card experience in a major bank in Australia is preferred. 

  6. 财务管理部税务经理一名。要求具有八年以上税务工作经验,具有当地四大会计师事务所或银行从业经验者优先。

    Tax Manager, Financial Management. Minimum 8 years tax experience in banking industry.

  7. 风险管理部信用风险经理两名。要求具有八年以上银行从业经验,能够完成公司金融贷款尽职调查的中英文报告书写。

    Credit Manager, Risk Management. Minimum 8 years experience in corporate banking sector, including 5 years experience in Due Diligence reporting for the corporate loans applications.

  8. 法律与合规部律师一名(一年期合同工)。要求具有五年以上银行法律顾问经验,熟悉个人金融业务。

    Lawyer, Legal & Compliance. (One Year Contract Position) Minimum 5 years post admission experience in a top-tier law firm or in-house legal department in a major bank in Australia. Strong knowledge of general banking and regulatory issues relating to Retail Banking.


  9. 悉尼地区分行客户服务专员若干。要求具有一年以上当地银行客户服务经验。

    Customer Service Representatives, NSW Branches. Minimum one year customer service experience in a major bank in Australia.


Melbourne area:

  1. 墨尔本分行公司金融客户经理一名,要求具有五年以上公司金融从业经验,具有当地四大银行工作背景者及客户资源者优先。

    Relationship Manager, Corporate Banking. Minimum 5 years experience   in corporate lending.


Brisbane Area:

  1. 布里斯班分行小微企业客户经理一名,要求具有五年以上银行从业经验,   具有当地四大银行工作背景者及客户资源者优先。

    Relationship Manager, SME. Minimum 5 years experience in Small Medium Enterprise banking sector.

  1. 认同中国银行企业文.

  2. 已获得澳大利亚PR 或国籍.

  3. 要求会计、金融、贸易等专业本科以上学历.

  4. 具备良好的中英文听说读写能力,以及较强的沟通协调能力.

  1. Adhere to Bank of China culture.

  2. Only the candidates with Australian PR or Citizenship will be considered.

  3. Possess tertiary qualifications in accounting, finance, commerce or related areas.

  4. Strong written and spoken communication skills in English and Chinese.

报名方式如果您符合上述条件,并愿与我们共同为中国银行奉献自己的一份力量,请将简历(注明竞聘岗位)于2017年7月31日前发送至我行招聘邮箱: recruit.au@bankofchina.com, 人力资源部将在审核您申报资质后,通知相关面试安排并讲解雇佣细节。

To apply please send your CV in English quoting the job title by email to recruit.au@bankofchina.com. Closing date for application: 31st July 2017. 

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