继CanAm总裁Tom Rosenfeld的公开信,带头纠正美国移民局错误百出的区域中心表现报告,其他区域中心及移民律师也纷纷公开响应。其中Green and Spiegel律所的大律师Matthew Galati 郑重提醒潜在投资人,勿把移民局的这个草率的统计报告当成投资依据的标准,他也提醒已经投资的家庭,别因为这个报告而心生恐慌。
Investor Alert: USCIS Publishes I-526 / I-829 Performance Data by Regional Center, But Accuracy of Data Called Into Question
By: Matthew Galati
On June 19, 2017, USCIS published a list of approvals and denials for Form I-526 and Form I-829 performance based on Regional Center, ranging from January 1, 2014 to May 31, 2017. At first glance this seems to be great news for investors: one can now finally use official government data to find which Regional Centers have the best track record for approval and weigh such data when performing due diligence as to which EB-5 investment is right for him or her. But let us be clear, prospective investors should NOT rely upon the I-526 and I-829 reports in determining where to invest, nor should existing investors now be worried about the performance of their projects simply because of these reports.
USCIS data is often inaccurate. Any immigration practitioner can attest to this pattern when reviewing published processing times, both in the EB-5 and non EB-5 context, that rarely track actual experience. It appears to us that the new I-526/I-829 reports are inaccurate as well. While we cannot explain the specifics in a public forum, upon review of this data and our knowledge of various Regional Center entities’ reputations and clients’ experiences, some of the published figures simply cannot be true.
USCIS’ own disclaimer states that it “makes no claim” that its data is “is complete, timely or accurate.” This is not a great statement for the agency to make in publishing what could be considered determinative data, risking undue influence towards investors’ families in making what could be the most important decision of their lives.
At least one Regional Center owner / operator has publicly condemned the I-526 and I-829 reports, and we expect more to do so in the coming days.