4月30日的IDP加试居然出现了“名人名言”,许多烤鸭们手忙脚乱,不知所措!~其实,名人名言只是一个幌子,问题的实质还是后半句!~无忧雅思原创8+ 范文新鲜出炉,烤鸭小伙伴们速速看过来,寻找一些解题的灵感,学习一些NB的词句!
Task: The American actor said “Tomorrow is more important”. How important it is for individuals and countries to think about future, rather than focusing on present?
Throughout life, both individuals and governments adopt many different philosophies. An interesting debate for many has been the importance of planning for the future as opposed to living in the moment. Personally, I think planning for the future is essential for both individuals and countries.
With regard to individuals, having a plan for the future is the best way to enjoy the present. More often than not, when a person wants to enjoy life and live in the moment, they need to ignore long-term consequences and concerns. However, when a solid plan is set in place for the future, a person can ultimately set aside concerns about the future, knowing their current actions are building towards their goals, in order to enjoy what is happening now. For example, having personally set long-term savings goals allows me to have a better idea of my true discretionary income, which allows me to have confidence that I am not sacrificing my future when paying for entertainment and travel in the present.
Similarly, it is also imperative for government to plan for the future to ensure stability for future generations. While there are always current issues that need to be addressed, countries need to work towards building a sustainable environment for citizens. To make a comparison, cutting costs to increase immediate profits often undermines the long-term success of a company, while investment in research and development can generate future profits, ensuring the longevity of the company. Little is different for governments, where countries that plan for the future, like Germany with their education and Sweden with a robust green energy system, are well set up to ensure a prolonged high standard of living for future generations.
In conclusion, while many will advocate living in the present, planning for the future is vital, as it allows individuals to fully enjoy the present and ensures there is a stable society for future generations.