㊢流程图+anti-social,微醺~ 原创9分范文学起来

2015年02月20日 无忧小雅哥



The diagram illustrates the process of purifying contaminated water for the purpose of creating drinking water.

Overall, the process filters out impurities by passing water through different layers.

The first main component of the purifying system is a barrel that is used for filtering the water. Unpurified water is collected in a smaller container and then poured into the top of the filtering tank through a removable lid. Inside the container are three levels of materials, the first being a layer of sand. After water drains through the sand, it passes through a layer of charcoal and finally settles through gravel.

The water is clean when passing through the layer of gravel, but must first be transferred to a separate barrel is then used for storing clean water. The filtering tank has a tube protruding out of the bottom that is connected to a motor, which sucks out clean water from the bottom and passes it on to the clean water storage tank. Drinking water is then accessible via a faucet at the bottom of the clean storage tank.

179 words – 20 minutes
Copyrighted by 51ielts


Some people believe the use of mobile phone in certain place is anti-social like smoking. So if smoking is banned in certain place, mobile should be banned as well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, mobile phones are everywhere, seemingly controlling people’s behaviour and limiting the interactions and experiences people have. Some have likened the antisocial characteristics associated with mobile use with that of smoking, and state that mobiles should therefore be banned in certain areas. I partially agree, as mobile use can show antisocial behaviour, but I do not think that laws should be made to ban them for social reasons.

Admittedly, choosing to interact with a smartphone instead of other people is certainly antisocial. Personally, after running out of mobile data for the month, I looked up from my phone while commuting on public transit and took notice of how many others were glued to their phones. The amount was staggering, with almost everyone using a mobile. Some campaigns and advertisements have even advocated against such antisocial behaviour by showing people at a restaurant using their phones and not eating.

However, the choice to be social is a personal one, not one that can be imposed against a person’s will. I recently went to a dinner out with my partner, and neither of us had service within the restaurant. What ensued was a delightful meal full of laughter and conversation. Regardless of how pleasant the meal was, regulating social behaviour is not justified and should be left in the hands of private businesses and citizens. For instance, movie theatres can certainly ask patrons not to use mobiles during a movie, but governments cannot restrict people from checking email during dinner.

In conclusion, social interaction can be lost when using a mobile phone instead of enjoying the company of others. However, banning the use of phones is not justifiable.

276 words 40 minutes
Copyrighted by 51ielts

上周周六,也就是2月14日的A类大作文题目比较偏。尽管还是社会发展类话题,但很多烤鸭会觉得这条题目问的点很难论述,比如到底什么是antisocial behaviour? 其实,正如范文中所写,容易在公共场合引起他人不安和引发危险事故的行为可以视为antisocial behaviour. 烤鸭们不要被中文的直译“反社会行为”误导,其实很多引发人际交往摩擦的行为,比如吃饭的时候一直玩手机压根不和饭友交流引起饭友的愤怒这样的行为也可以归为antisocial behaviour. 相信烤鸭们理解了这个关键词的意思之后,这篇作文应该是能想出足够的ideas。另外,这道题目小雅哥建议烤鸭们参考无忧满分范文的平衡式写法,一边倒比较难论述,难以服众。最后,再给大家一个额外的福利,知道最in的一个口语词,低头族,就是形容一直玩手机的人,用英文怎么说吗?phubber! 它的姊妹phubbing是”低头症”的意思~

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