对比!口语高分答案 VS 低分答案

2015年03月21日 无忧小雅哥

How to speak higher-level English

高分答案 VS 较低分答案

In the examples below, 3 differences between the low and high level answers are:

1. The high level answers are a more natural style.


2. The high level answers use more linking phrases.


3. The high level answers are more detailed when describing or explaining something, (using reasons / examples / comparisons).



Do you like your university?

Lower Level: Yes. My teachers are very good and I have lots of friends there.


Higher level: Yes I do. I think my university's great, because I mean, firstly, the teachers there are all really good, you know, I've learnt a huge amount from them. And another thing I really like about my university is the friends I've made there.

(简评:类似于I mean, you know 这类的词组,并不难学。但是烤鸭们要切记,一定不能用过量。简简单单的去剖析细节,分数就比笼统的一句话来的漂亮。)

How often do you watch TV?

Lower Level: Not often, because I prefer using the Internet.

(简评:这个答案有进步,也有不足。好的是,后面加来一句I prefer,并没有单单说一个Not often。不足的是,对于Part 1而言,这类问题的回答仍是太过简短。建议3-4句话为佳。)

Higher level:Not that often actually. I mean, I probably only watch it about two or three times a week, basically because I prefer watching stuff on the Internet.

Do you prefer eating at home or eating in a restaurant?

Lower Level:I prefer eating at home because it's healthier than eating out.

(简评:又一进步—给出了原因。但是小雅哥想说,再往深入挖一点,再加一点口语化的词汇,例如Simply Because这类词组,给考官一个能给你更高分的 “台阶”. )

Higher level: I'd say I generally prefer eating at home, simply because the food I eat at home is a lot healthier than the food you get in most restaurants.

When was the last time you received a gift?

Lower Level: About five weeks ago.


Higher level: Let me have a little think, um…… I suppose it must have been about five or six weeks ago, and it was some chocolate that a friend of mine gave me when he came over to my home for dinner (coz my friends all know that I'm a bit of a chocoholic!)

Would you like to move to another city in the future?

Lower Level:No, because I love my hometown.

(简评:如此的答案,未免令人有一种 “冷艳” “无法深入交流”的错觉。展示不了你的口语能力,如何让考官心服口服给你个高分?)

Higher level: No I wouldn't, the main reason beingthat I love my hometown, so if I moved somewhere else, I'm sure I wouldn't be as happy as I am living here.

Can you describe your home a little?

Lower Level:My home is big, for example we have a big living room. And um……We also have a good view because our flat is very high.

(简评: 其实这个答案并不会得很低分。一般想要6分的同学完全可以这样说。对于想要7分甚至于是更高的烤鸭们而言,explain more会更棒!)

Higher level: Yeah, sure. Well first of all, it's pretty big. For example, the living room is about three or four times the size of this room. And, um…what else… oh yeah, and another thing to mention is the view, because we live quite high up, on the twentieth floor, so we've got a really nice view of the city centre.


「☆小作文☆」根据学员准确回忆,今天的地图题是关于college campus的变化,两张图分别是1978年和2010年,并预测2020的变化。

「☆大作文☆」Some people believe famous people's support towards international aids organizations draw the attentions to problems.Others think celebrities make the problems less important.Discuss both views and give your opinion.今天的大作文并不好写

雅思直播2015.03.21参与直播回复 「21」

回复 21 更新




1. study or work, major, future job。我说自己还是本科学生,然后就问了一些专业和未来理想职业的问题。第一部分感觉不是很难,考官是男的,表情很nice.

2. an vehicle you would like to own 我说的是一辆自行车,因为上学比较方便,还可以锻炼身体。我还说了一点担心,就是会不小心被汽车撞,住的公寓停车比较难。

3. 问了一些,骑自行车要怎样保证安全?你觉得市区内主干道全部变成只能自行车电车和行人可以走的区域可以吗?之类之类的。记不起来那么多了。。。

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Part 1 nature, 具体是问how to feel nature;would you like to go camping or go hiking?

Part 2 一条万年老题!a useful app!!!我说的是Monash的可以叫guards护送到车站的app。我大一在monash的时候用过。

Part 3 你觉得overwhelming apps是不是占用人们的太多时间?学生上课玩手机或者Ipad上面的apps会有怎样的影响?是不是要限制一些apps的使用?之类之类的。

回复 21 更新


趴万 name, relaxing, color

趴兔 a family member you would like to work with

趴衰 你觉得family business好不好?大概还能记得这个题目了。其他的想不起来了,对不起大家。。。





100 雅思口语音频目录

1000 Jeffrey-写作建议

2000 Floyd-口语Part2

3000 Danesh-口语指导

4000 申思-听力,阅读

5000 雅思写作批改组


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