80%: Band 6 Stop Now
考官东张西望,没说几句就说”stop now”,而且基本上盯着卡片,一副对你的表演不感兴趣的样子,从头到尾低着头连点语气变化都没有。
80%: Band 5 20%: 5分以下
考官很有耐心,尽量放慢了语速,而且态度极好,临走时还不忘说一句have a nice day.
80%: Band 5 20%: Band 4.5
80%: Band 5 20%: Band 4
80%: Band 5.5 20%: Band 5
80%: Band 5.5 20%: Band 6
80%: Band 6.5 20%: Band 7
「☆小作文☆」Two bar charts。 第一个 compare Australia and China importing and exporting activities。第二个Type of goods that Australia import from China。今天的柱状图不难哦!~
「☆大作文☆」It is better to be unemployed than to be employed in the jobs people do not enjoy. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 今天A类G类都考了职业类,好在题目都不是很难,构思Idea方面并不难哦!~
「☆小作文☆」Your family is moving to another city. Write a letter to a local agent to rent a place. 这是Formal Letter哦!~Tone千万不能写错!~
「☆大作文☆」Some people think older employees could benefit a company more.However,others think in the modern society younger employees could benefit more.Discuss both views and give your opinion.这次G类大作文题型和话题类别均在小雅哥的预测中!~
雅思直播2014.11.01参与直播回复 「21」
考的好早!第一个考的!Part 1,name,shoes and fashion. Part 2historical building in my country. 看到这个historical的题目就觉得烦》》》
part 1 travel,map,work。part 2 a family member you want to spend time with。昨天知道上次成绩没过,今天整个人都不好了
帕特one name,cooking,cleaning,大致就是家里的cleaning的活谁干,基本上你平时会做些什么活。帕特two describe an intelligent person.帕特three how to cultivate children’s personality? how to become an intelligent person? is it possible to train someone into an useful person? or it is a congenital ability?
P1 住宿,工作,market,購物。P2 一個你想要去旅行的國家。P3 cannot remember all。what else cannot learn when you travel, except local culture.大致就是這些了。希望能夠幫到同學們喲
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