㊢ 盘点2014年『最棘手』的五条雅思大作文题,真的给难跪了~

2015年01月14日 无忧小雅哥

Top 1 神抽象!请让我做一个安静的哲学家
Some people think hard work and determination are the keys to success in life. On the other hand, others think there are other factors, such as appearance and material, behind a successful life. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
题面不难理解:一些人认为勤勉和决心是成功的不二法则。但是,另一些人认为要考虑成功人生的其他因素,比如外貌和物质条件。讨论两个观点并给出你的看法。小编表示,看完题目感觉自己的小心脏像过山车一样跌宕起伏。一上来,以为努力工作和坚强意志就可以拿到“当上总经理出任CEO 迎娶白富美走上人生巅峰”的金钥匙,没想到,还是对这个“看脸拼爹”的社会绝望了。

考场上烤鸭们可不要像小编一样胡思乱想,这样40分钟250 words+的任务你如何conquer?其实,本题的难点在于:
1.题面信息很抽象,譬如hard work, determination, appearance, material这些抽象词,让考生在紧张的考场氛围中很难准确把握;


1.支持hard work & determination are keys to success in life. Positive attitude is the foundation of success. Hard work and strong determination are both vivid reflections of the positive attitude. 具体例子很多啦~比如身残志坚的霍金!很多坚持魔鬼训练终获成功的体育运动员~

2.让步other factors. 可以这么说,在某些行业中,比如大额投资(bulk investment)、公关(public relation)要成功,只有hard work和determination远远不够!!!原始资本和颜值总归是要的呀~

所以,小编认为,如果烤鸭们再遇到这样的题干,可以用“分情况讨论”的战术~绝不掉进题目’s pitfall of generalisation!!!
Top 2 警察配枪犯罪率上升?下降?这是个问题
Some people think police carrying a gun will encounter the level of violence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

小编对这篇文章的构思是,基本观点:Police carrying a gun is not positively related to a rise in the level of violence. 正方: It is an implicit deterrence to those potential criminals when they see a policeman with a gun. 带枪是对潜在犯的隐性威慑。反方:Policemen and police women misuse their weapon during the patrol, which may be life-threatening to innocent people.
Top 3 多吃无益
Research has shown that overeating is as harmful as smoking. Therefore, advertising on certain food products should be banned, just as smoking advertisements are banned in some countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

题眼:1、要禁止的是广告,不是食物;2、注意题干中是certain foods,不要把好的坏的食物都一锅端了,而且这个certain foods也不一定指的是junk foods。


比如有这样一个基本观点,the prohibition of advertisements on specific foods cannot lower the possibility of overeating.

因为:1. One’s eating habit is formed from combined factors, such as moods and physical condition that are not fully influenced by seeing advertisements.

2. Advertisements on certain foods, by themselves, are not designated to lead to consumers’ overeating intentionally.

Top 4 奥林匹克你真的了解吗
The Olympic Games no longer have a role in 21st century. Do you agree or disagree?
小编表示,能提出题干中这样观点的人也算是世间奇人了。烤鸭们要注意,审题的题眼在于no longer这个词组,因为其过于绝对得语气,很明显的成为了槽点。

相信很多烤鸭看到这道题很快有观点,认为The Olympic Games还是有一席之地的。但是,举什么例子呢?除了更快更高更强的体育精神(Olympics Spirit depicted by the well-known Olympic motto, Faster,Higher,Stronger)要传承弘扬之外,还有什么其他原因吗?哈哈,让小编来告诉你一些深层次的原因吧~

1.经济原因:The modern Olympics Games represents one of the most powerful engine in sport economy. 看看夏奥会冬奥会(Summer/Winter Olympics Games)每年的赞助费用(sponsorships),哪家土豪能比肩?举办一次奥运会,能给主办国host创造财政收入,提供建筑业设计业服务业等等跨行业(cross-section)的就业机会,还能win international reputation~

2.The Olympics Games has gradually evolved to be a worldwide-celebrated event and bears global wishes for humanity and unity. 2008年夏奥会,你不要说你一点都不激动!还可以从文化交流,旅游,提供奥林匹克志愿活动等社会角度去举例。

Top 5 以后的路还很长,但是今天你就得规划
More and more people get married and have children when they are in their thirties rather than when they are young. Do you think it's a positive or negative development?
看到这道题目,小编相信很多烤鸭一下子不清楚应该从哪些方面下手,特别是一些还在上学的烤鸭,总有一种这样的事情以后再说的想法吧。而且题型也是比较冷门的positive or negative,乍一看这题目怎么这么高冷。不过,既然是作文题目,肯定有切入点可以下笔。

小编认为,这是一个negative development.

1. The increasing pressure derived from study and career inevitably postponed individual’s average age for marriage and child bearing, especially in metropolitans worldwide.

2. Women, who are too late to get pregnant, will suffer more both physically and psychologically, compared with their younger counterparts.
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