2016年4月,IIUSA(EB-5行业机构)在华盛顿举办的行业大会上,有邀请到了移民局IPO(EB-5办公室)Julia Harrison副主任发言。
参考阅读:SEC、移民局、签证与排期 | IIUSA大会第1.5天。
Julia Harrison on April 22nd, 2016 at IIUSA Condference in Washington D.C.
(11:42) Kind of what happened when we moved from CA to Washington, and started up this new office. As you can imagine, moving an entire workload across the country is not an easy thing to do. They started up IPO for great reasons, and it was a great idea and we have a great program. But that was not an easy job to move that workload from CA to Washington, particularly because they were in a temporary office. When IPO first started up they were in a temp office in our headquarters, and about a year or so later they were moved to a more permanent office. In that amount of time, the receipts for applications that we received has gone up so much that by the time we moved into that new office, we were already out of space in our file room. As a matter of fact, they just recently finished building us an additional file room that adding up to the original one. So that’s good news in the sense that there is so much interest in the program. That’s great. But it's bad news in the sense that it created chaos that we are still little bit dealing with. We are almost there.
One thing that particularly notable happened during that time, we’ve lost a bit control over the flow of cases thrown at our office. We do have a lot of stakeholders coming to us saying what is happening? I filed my application two years ago, and it’s still sitting there. And this guy filed three months ago, and it’s already out of the door. So we took a really hard look at that, and went through all of the files in our office. And we were able to identify that actually (13:22) we have a little more than 2000 cases filed in 2012 and 2013, that has just gone lost on the shelf like that. So as is a challenge to our officers to get those done and focus all of our hearts to get those done, and make sure we don’t adjudicate later filed applications before we got those done. And we are happy to report that, even though they are not 100% done, it’s done under 300 of those lost cases. And we also put something in place to make sure that won’t happen again.