
2014年11月29日 墨尔本VCE补习社

维州大选计票结束,工党赢得胜利!党魁Daniel Andrews将成为维州新任州长!工党赢得45个席位,联盟党36个席位和绿党的1个席位。


The ABC election computer projects Labor as winning at least 45 seats, the target needed to form government. Our election analyst Antony Green says Labor is on track for 48 seats, with a majority of eight seats.

Former Victorian premier Steve Bracks has said on the ABC election coverage the result is a "stunning and outstanding victory (with) a clear, working majority". Coalition MP Mary Wooldridge has said "it's not looking good" although she has stopped short of conceding defeat. The Greens are projected to win two lower house seats.

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