美领馆官员见面会暨美商会感恩节联谊晚宴AmCham Thanksgiving Party: Meet the US Consul

2017年12月05日 西南美国商会



On Thursday evening, November 16, 2017, the AmCham Thanksgiving Dinner Party: Meet the US Consul was successfully held at Sheraton Chengdu Lido Hotel. Mr. Jim Mullinax, the CG of U.S. Consulate and new officers from business, economic, political and visa departments attended this party.


This party attracted more than 60 well-known enterprises at home and abroad including Triumph Aerostructures Vought Aircraft Technical Services (Chengdu) Co. Ltd., DeHeng Law Offices(Chengdu), KPMG Advisory (China) Limited Chengdu Branch, SEAF Sichuan SME Investment Fund (U.S.A), Sino-US United MetLife Insurance Company Limited, Sichuan Branch etc. Nearly 120 representatives from AmCham members and friends took advantage of such an important opportunity to effectively understand the functions and developments of various departments of the U.S. Consulate. Officers from the U.S. Consulate had a friendly conversation with the attendees and learned about the development of various industries in southwest region and gained new insights on the opportunities and challenges they were facing.



The MC of the party is our respected Mr Eli Sweet, who is the vice Chairman of AmCham. He introduced the history and the meaning of Thanksgiving. And he took this opportunity to express his gratitude to all the AmCham members and friends for their continuous supporting. And then, the Chairman of AmCham, Mr Benjamin Wang introduced our esteemed guests from the US Consulate, and thanked them for their contributions to the development of commerce in southwest China and the great support they gave to AmCham during the last 20 years.

       美国驻成都领事馆总领事林杰伟先生和其他领馆官员上台致辞后,更有一对一的提问环节旨在为美商会会员和朋友们答疑解惑,最后所有到场的美领馆官员及美商会理事会成员上台合照。来宾们享用着由天府丽都喜来登饭店精心准备的感恩节饕餮大餐 ,欣赏着由舞邦文化传播有限公司成都禧来蜀韵园餐饮管理有限公司带来的精彩表演。晚宴上,更有幸运抽奖环节为莅临的嘉宾助兴。11位幸运的宾客们分别收获了海南航空公司提供的往返美国的机票美国葡萄酒进口协会的红酒大礼包和天府丽都喜来登饭店的海鲜自助餐券。


After the brief addresses of Mr. Jim, CG of U.S. Consulate and other officers, we had a One-to-One Session which was aiming at answering questions for AmCham members and friends. Finally, all the officers from U.S. Consulate came to the stage to take group photos. After that, the guests enjoyed the yummy food prepared by Sheraton Chengdu Lido Hotel while watching the splendid performances by Sinostage Entertainment Company and Chengdu Xilai Shuyunyuan Catering Management Co.,Ltd. Moreover, there was a Lucky Draw round to delight the attendees. Lucky guests were rewarded with clarets, buffet vouchers and round-trip tickets to the United States, kindly sponsored by American Wine Import Association, Sheraton Chengdu Lido Hotel as well as Hainan Airlines respectively.

       此次晚宴获得了到场宾客们极高的评价,他们不仅能够和美领馆官员及其他知名公司的企业家们近距离交流,还享受了喜来登饭店五星级的消费服务, 更有赞助商伙伴提供的幸运大奖。


Attendees spoke highly of this event, not only because they had the opportunity to communicate directly with US consular officers and entrepreneurs from other established companies, but also because the premium services and the exquisite gifts provided by sponsors .



AmCham sincerely thanked all of you for your long-term support and great kindness. We will continue to work closely with the U.S. Consulate to better serve our members and friends.


special thanks to the below sponsors 



Hainan Airlines


American Wine Import Association


Sheraton Chengdu Lido Hotel


Sinostage Company


Chengdu Xilai Shuyunyuan Catering Management Co.,Ltd


Chengdu Y-power Culture Communication Co., Ltd

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