本周五长春市实验中学国际部组织了观影活动, 同学们都非常期待这部电影--寻梦幻游记(Coco)。大家集合完毕后,乘着校车前往观影目的地出发。
电影的感人情节使同学与老师纷纷落泪, 米勒追求梦想的精神也深深的刻在了大家的心里,提醒大家不要放弃梦想。时间是一块橡皮擦,会逐步擦掉一些名字,最后只会让后人记住有闪光点的人,和为了梦想努力付出的人。
On December eight, Changchun Experimental high school organized an activity of movie appreciation. Most of our classmates have lots of interested on that. The movie we have watched was called COCO. The main character Miguel in the movie is addicted to the music. He can play guitar to make other people feel touching, but unfortunately, his family prohibits music. In this case, Miguel catches his dream and come to the land of death by a mistake. He needs the blessing from his family member to back to the real world. Finally Miguel gets the blessing from his grand grand father and put his photo at home. The plot of movie made our classmates and teachers moved and the spirit of Miguel is impressive for us. Time is like a eraser, and it will delete some names. In the end only the people who tried his best to catch the dream will be remembered by all the people.